Sunday, May 24, 2020

The 100: Episode 1 Review!

The final season of The 100 has aired it's first episode and it was very intense! The show picked up right where we left off. Octavia has gone into the anomaly and there's speculation to whether or not she is dead. I've seen the trailer and I think it's safe to say that she's not dead. At least not yet, but of course that can change. Everything is fair game this season, no one is safe. The first episode just jumps right in with something we can not see attacking and kidnapping Bellamy. It's really mind-blowing because we have never seen anything like this happen in The 100. Also, this show does not deal with the supernatural so if it's not ghosts then what the hell is dragging Bellamy away? 
Echo and Gabriel try their best to rescue Bellamy, but they just keep getting knocked back by whatever this invisible force is. Hope who is Diyoza's daughter came through the anomaly and is now running away. That just looks bad so of course Echo and Gabriel are going to chase her down for answers. 
Back in the other part of Sanctum the rest of the crew is relaxing in a farm house after a restless battle with the Primes. Clarke is hoping Madi can finally be a kid and perhaps they can all live peacefully together.This scene is actually unsettling to me because the house looks very out of place. But I feel like that's what the director wanted us to feel perhaps. The peace doesn't last long of course, Clarke and some of the crew head back to the castle of Sanctum where chaos is taking place. Clarke is making it clear to everyone that she has no intention of killing Russell even though he killed her mother. Instead, Clarke has decided to keep Russell a prisoner until she figures out what she really wants to do. Many people want Russell dead and the people who follow him want him released. 
Clarke has been holding back a lot of her emotions during this episode. She is trying to carry on and be the leader as she always has been. But Clarke and Russell are both two leaders that are broken and on the verge of a breakdown. Russell has lost his wife and daughter and Clarke has lost her mother. They both have no one and they can only blame each other for the cause. In Clarke's defense, Russell tried to kill Clarke and her mother first. He succeeded in taking away Clarke's mother to only lose his wife in the process. After Russell taunts Clarke she finally decides what to do with Russell. But there's something dark lurking in Russell so right now I hope she carries out what she sets to do. If not, there's going to be even bigger trouble for Sanctum. 
Echo and Gabriel catch up to Hope only to discover that Hope doesn't remember anything. Octavia didn't remember what happened either when she came back through the anomaly. You can only remember when you're in or when the anomaly is on top of you. Hope shows them a note that says Trust Bellamy. The trio go off to do just that. In order to do this though they know they have to enter the anomaly where Bellamy had been taken. There is a high chance that once you go in, you will not come back out. 
This first episode really kicked the events into high gear and even though we got some answers, we're left with new questions and of course some still unanswered. I have a feeling this season is going to be one of those go big or go home moments and this one is going big! The viewers are going to be craving for the new episodes like never before. It's going to leave us on the edge of our seats. There's going to be more WTF moments and I'm ready for it. 
I give this episode a 9/10. One point docked because of the weird house. It may have been meant to feel out of place, but it just wasn't a good fit. Plus, it's the only one we've seen like it in Sanctum so it's really out of place. Other than that, I loved this episode and I want more right now! 

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