Sunday, May 31, 2020

The 100 season 7 episode 2: The Garden REVIEW!

In this episode of The 100 we got a lot of answers and also more questions, no surprise there! But I am happy that we got a large part of the story somewhat answered. We are given the backstory on Octavia, Diyoza, and Diyoza's daughter Hope on their time spent in the anomaly. Octavia helps Diyoza to raise Hope. Together they are a family growing food, teaching Hope, and spending time with one another. One day this all changes when Diyoza and Octavia are taken by strange people in suits. It was the same suits from the previous episode. Not sure if it was the exact same people though since we didn't see who they are yet. Octavia helps Hope to hide before these people come for her and Diyoza though. Before this, Octavia was trying to get back through the anomaly. But Diyoza and Hope didn't want Octavia to go and Diyoza even foiled Octavia's plan to leave. This reminded me of when Clarke was left by herself for 6 years and she found Madi and raised her. This show has a lot of reflection moments, but each one is different which makes those moments more powerful to me and for these characters. I loved that this gave Octavia time to reflect also on who truly was. She could see what she really became and how she could overcome this with Diyoza and Hope by her side. It was a beautiful moment and I hope that Octavia and Bellamy can be brought together again to say what they need to. I have a feeling one of them will die this season just from what the director has been saying about the Blake siblings conclusion. I'm thinking Octavia because Bellamy has always been the one to protect and be responsible for her. This time, Octavia can save Bellamy and maybe even more than that and have an epic redemption!
In present time, Echo, Hope, and Gabriel all got through the anomaly together successfully. Echo wants to rescue Bellamy. Hope wants to find her mother Diyoza. Gabriel is still learning about the anomaly along the way which thrills him. We even see Becca in a mind drive that Gabriel kept! That was a big surprise to me! I know we saw Roan make an appearance in the last episode, but only as a hallucination in Echo's mind. So, it leaves me wondering if we'll be seeing other character's make some type of comeback this season. Even though Hope and Echo have differences that are obvious they do have one thing in common. They want to save the person they love the most. Through this common ground they have a bonding moment. Honestly, I thought it was a little awkward because Echo isn't a very emotional character. But I could see that she was in her own way trying to be comforting at least. It's obvious that Hope had to grow up fast with all the events that took place in this episode. But she needed a moment to let out all the emotions that she has been bottling up. I'm excited to learn more about her and what has happened to Bellamy, Octavia, and Diyoza. Through Gabriel we are learning more about the anomaly. It is kind of tricky so you really have to listen to keep up. But I am still interested in what else the anomaly withholds. 
We did not see anything about Sanctum in this one. It solely focused on the events of the anomaly. But I am fine with that because this episode gave us a lot of what we were seeking. I'm sure we'll have to wait another episode or two though to get more answers. Next episode will probably focus back on Sanctum, but I hope they make room for more of the anomaly too! 

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