Friday, June 12, 2020

The 100 Episode 3: False God's Review

The 100 starts off with Clarke burying her mother's necklace with a ring. Gaia joins her so she can burying the flame. This creates a bonding moment between these characters. I think that this was a nice change for the two. There has been tension between them over what's best for Madi the past few seasons. At the end of the last season they agreed on what was truly best since it was saving Madi's life. They both also lost someone they care very much about so they are able to grieve together and just be each other's shoulder for a few minutes. Only a few minutes though because there's trouble. Radiation is leaking into Sanctum and unless their people can help stop it, they will all die. 
Clarke, Gaia, and Indra seek out volunteers to help stop the radiation. Their people won't do it unless ordered by the commander. Clarke and Gaia think it's best to tell everyone the truth while Indra pleas for them not to. Gaia doesn't listen and tells Wonkru that the commander is no more. Wonkru refuses to help which leaves Raven to seek out help from the prisoners. Luckily, they agree to help her with this task, but Raven doesn't tell the truth about how dangerous it could get. She also gets help from John and Emori. 
Raven is put into Clarke's shoes this season when she has to decide to either let the radiation go or force other's to help by any means necessary. She locks John and the other prisoners who volunteered to help inside the room where the pipes are leaking radiation. This can cause violent illness or even death. Raven knows that John will do anything to save his own skin which leads her to this choice. The job gets done successfully, but not without regret on Raven's part. John lives while the other volunteers died in the process. I'm sure we're going to see how much doing something like this will mess with her head. I feel like it may put her and Clarke at odds for a bit. Clarke has always carried on somehow despite who all she killed. Raven ended the lives of four people which of course is very low compared to what Clarke has done. But this is already having a hard effect on Raven. It will be interesting to see how she deals with this now that the tables have turned. I did enjoy this episode, but the most interesting part was the radiation and Raven making a hard choice. I also liked the little bonding moment between Gaia and Clarke. You can feel the tension building in this episode. But it seems like Clarke still hasn't figured out how to keep the peace like she has been aiming to do. But neither has anyone else so it's a difficult time in Sanctum right now. I give this episode an 8/10!

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