Let's start with the planets! Raven, Murphy, and Jordan all share Sanctum on their posters, but they all have a different symbol. Hope, Gabriel, and Echo all share Skyring and they also all have a different symbol. Bellamy and Shaheida share a blue planet which I think may be Nakara which would make sense. That is the planet Clarke, Raven, Jordan, Miller, and Niylah ended up on in episode 5 which is covered in snow. I'm not sure why Bellamy and Shaheida share it since they have had little to no contact of each other so this is certainly interesting. Clarke and Octavia share a golden planet and I think that one is Bardo since Bardo does mean death or rebirth. It also makes sense because of the symbol Octavia and Clarke have which I'll be getting into. But these two have had their fair share in playing God. They also have grown and changed a lot from their experiences so it just feels fitting to me. There is another planet Etherea which I'm pretty certain is just leaving the l out of ethereal which means too good to be true. So, the planet might play an important part later. I don't think any of the character posters have this planet since it doesn't play a role, yet, but I could be wrong.
Onto the symbols! Some characters are sharing a symbol and others possess one of their own. I'll start with ones that share a symbol and again, I may not be right. Bellamy and Murphy share a symbol that is two triangles together as you can see. All I got for this one is "fire in fire". This makes sense to me for Murphy since he has experienced what death may be like in the previous season. Also, he was nearly set on fire in episode 5 of this season. For Bellamy, I'm not so sure what it could mean. This one did stump me and I'm not certain if I'm even correct.
Clarke and Echo share a symbol which I'm pretty sure is a celtic knot unraveled. If that's the case, it means "afterlife" and the knot itself means "knot of the slain". Echo and Clarke have slain others to protect their own people. All the pieces except that knot is unraveling and if Clarke's planet is Bardo it makes even more sense for her meaning! Perhaps these two will have some kind of afterlife experience, but in different ways. Maybe Clarke will be rebirthed somehow, Clarke has lived through a lot of shit that should've killed her. Don't forget she does still have nightblood too which could possess other qualities we're not aware of. And maybe this is the end of the road for Echo. The unraveling also means separate which also leads me to think these two will experience this in different ways. Character's who are dead have always somehow reappaeared in the show, but never came back to life. I still don't think they will be brought back because the show has never really been about that. Most of the time if you're dead, that's it with the exception of Clarke and Murphy being known as the cockeroaches of the show.
Raven and Hope share the infinity symbol which means "limitless" or "eternity". This one stumps me a bit, but again we don't know everything and only have symbols and planets as clues. We know Hope is the only one who grew up in Skyring. It seems like no one else has really aged there except for her since time moves differently. Maybe because Hope was born in Skyring, she only ages there, but in other planets her aging is slower or she just doesn't? For Raven as we know is usually limited by her leg due to the gunshot in the first season. But regardless, her mind has been very helpful and is practically unlimited with knowledge. Maybe she'll finally start to feel like she's not limited by finally doing something bigger than herself, than what she thought she could do. Raven sacrificed some lives this season which is not something she would normally do. I feel like she'll want to do something big to make up for it. Maybe she is the one who finds out more about that planet Etherea and gets everyone there where they can actually finally have the peace they have been craving.
Gabriel and Jordan share a symbol that looks kind of like an hour glass on it's side. This means "does not stop the passage of time" and it's a reminder of how fleeting and delicate our lives are. This makes a lot sense since Gabriel has lived many lives and has been around for centuries! Jordan is young, but in reality has lived almost as long as Clarke and the others. Jordan is also a pretty innocent character and since he's the son of Monty and Harper (RIP) the others make it their duty to protect him. They see him as a delicate being. Even though they have both lived for many years it doesn't mean time has stopped passing them by. Perhaps Gabriel's time is finally coming to an end though. Maybe he'll sacrifice himself so Jordan's time won't stop yet?
Octavia has an upside down cross with a circle at the bottom. The upside down cross represents death, but add the circle and it creates a handle on the cross. I'm pretty confident in this one more than any of the others! Octavia has killed many people these past few seasons. Since season 3 she has slowly worked her way up into killing more and more people. But now she's not so much about that. Octavia has been hating herself for what she has done, but has come to terms with it. I believe she will have a handle on her own death. She will want to do this and it will be her ultimate redemption. Also, Marie who plays as Octavia has stated that the ending for Octavia is going to be biitersweet. Octavia and Bellamy have already somewhat made ammends, but I don't think either of them have said they love each other in such a long time which is sad. We know and they know they do, but I hope they get a chance to express those feelings before Octavia goes. I do have a prediction that she is going to die and I think this symbol is practically that nail in the coffin for this character.
Shaheida also has his own symbol as well which is an O with a slash through it. I found out that this means to remove uncertainty. I'm sure Shaheida will be removed at some point, but this symbol is a little tricky. Perhaps it means that by everyone coming together and removing Shaheida they'll finally not be so uncertain about some of the events taking place? Or they were uncertain about following Shaheida (who they believe to still be Russell with the exception of a few smart ones) and it'll become clear on if they should follow this leader or not. Also, since Octavia and Shaheida have their own symbols maybe it mean something will go down between them. Their symbols are similar, but I feel like Octavia's also in a way represents a lever. Perhaps it's for her and Shaheida and she will save everyone by pulling her own death lever and eliminating him!
So, as you can see there is a lot going on and much to think about. Everyone is linked in different ways and there are some that are the odd ones out. It'll be so interesting to see if any of this actually happens. A lot of these character's though who share a symbol haven't really interacted with one another aside from Murphy and Bellamy which makes it even more interesting to try and uncover what they could possibly mean for our beloved character's. We just know that they play an important role. Other character's that are important such as Madi, Indra, Emori, Miller, Jackson, and Niylah don't have any planets or symbols which is also interesting. But that just may mean that their roles this final season aren't as important as the rest of these character's. I may be reading too much into the show, but apparently these planets and symbols are hints so I hope I'm not. I can't wait to find out how this all unfolds in the weeks leading to the end of the beloved show!