Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Stay With Me by Jennifer L. Amerntrout book review!

Armentrout has written such a relatable book for me it's not even funny. I even found myself crying a few times this book really hit me and has become one of my absolute favorites! It is my favorite contemporary romance! Calla is 21 and hasn't done much with her life. This is due to Calla's mother getting into drugs and partying ever since the night a fire happened in the family home. Calla's two brothers had died and her father left not too long after the ordeal. Calla is not like her mother, at all! Calla is in college to be a nurse and has never touched drugs or alcohol out of the fear of being just like her mother. Unfortunately, Calla's plans are put on hold when she discovers that her mother has taken all of Calla's money. Not only that, but she took credit cards out in Calla's name as well and maxed them out, leaving Calla in debt and uncertain if she'll be able to even continue going to college. This leads her back to her hometown and her mother's bar. She hopes to find her mother so she can set her path right again instead of getting the law involved. She meets Jax who may be the answer to some of her problems. But Calla is stubborn and very independent which makes it hard for her to let anyone even Jax in. Calla also carries physical and emotional scars from the fire she nearly escaped from since that was the day everything in her life went out of control. I really loved this book so much! There was just so much similarities between me and Calla and it felt so meaningful. I hardly ever find books with character's who hardly have experiences, who didn't lose their virginity in high school, who have horrible mother's, etc. I grew up with a mother who got on drugs and alcohol myself. I was reluctant to drink as well because I didn't want to be like my mom. I didn't have many experiences growing up due to financial issues and sometimes just because my mother was "too busy". Also, didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty two and the experience was the exact same for me. Calla's personality and mine are also very similar where I grew up learning to be independent and wanting better for myself. Luckily, my life didn't get as crazy as Calla's with the whole gang shit and her mother did apologize and actually meant it. Even made it up to Calla in an unexpected way in the end. So, I was happy for her that she got some kind of closure with her mother. I'm honestly, not sure if events like that happen in real life, I feel like most dopers would've sold the house instead of giving it to their kid in the end. But I still liked that this story went in the other direction. This book really stuck with me and I'm so happy that I discovered such an amazing and talented author like Armentrout!

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