Saturday, June 13, 2020

The 100n Episode 4: Hesperides Review!

This episode picks up where the second episode of this season of The 100 left off. Hope is on her own after her mother and Octavia get taken. She does meet a stranger who wants to talk to her. At first, Hope is scared and protective of her home and keeps the stranger away. He does end up earning her trust and even teaches Hope to fight. He prepares Hope to go through the anomaly where she'll be able to seek help for her mother and Aunt Octavia. This time around, Hope, Echo, and Gabriel have to try and earn the trust of Orlando. Hope knows if they do, he will help train them when the anomaly comes back.

Luckily, Hope does earn Orlando's trust and he agrees to help them train. Orlando also has a timer on his arm indicating when he'll be dead and when the anomaly will be back as well. Over the next five years they train and come up with a plan. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan due to Echo going off track and betraying Orlando. Echo convinces Hope and Gabriel to follow her lead and leave Orlando behind. They do so, but with regret shown clear on their faces. It seems like Echo has gone back to some of her old roots in this episode. She was all about helping her friends no matter what. She still is, but right now her heart is just set on getting Bellamy back. She admitted that she's not sure what she would do without him. It's possible that she may learn how to depending on his fate. If Bellamy knew that Echo did this, I feel like he may not want to be with Echo anymore. Bellamy changed Echo for the better which made their relationship work really well. She's taking some steps back which could push Bellamy away from her emotionally. I know she loves him and just really wants Bellamy back, but I don't think Bellamy would have wanted Echo to do it like this. 
Back in Sanctum, Clarke and the crew discover the people in suits that came through the anomaly. Not only that, but their leader wants Clarke. She knows that Bellamy, Octavia, and Diyoza are being held hostage by these people so she agrees to go. Raven discovers that the leader has sinister intentions for Clarke. Raven and Jordan rescue her and the crew just in time! During this scene Clarke learns of what happened with Echo, Gabriel, and Orlando. We learn that after the trio left without Orlando, he committed suicide and even left a note to prove it. Not sure if it's actually true, but it's very possible. It took a lot for Orlando to trust Hope, Echo, and Gabriel. He finally did and became friends with them for a few years. But I feel like he probably committed the act due to the timer on his arm and not just because of the betrayal that took place. Clarke and the crew find the anomaly entrance and leave it to Raven to pick a destination (hopefully the right one) so they can save their people. Everyone, but Gaia agrees to accompany Clarke. Murphy and Emori didn't come with and are somewhere back in Sanctum for now. After Clarke and crew go through, Gaia is attacked and knocked unconscious. She tries to stop the mystery person from going through the anomaly, but they end up taking her along. Once through the anomaly, everyone discovers quickly that they chose the wrong place. They may be stuck for sometime as well because the only way back is with an anomaly stone. The gang ends up in an obviously cold place where there's nothing, but snow all around them. This reminds me of when Clarke was alone surrounded by nothing, but desert in season 5 where she nearly died. It'll be interesting to see how Clarke and crew fair in these conditions. I have a feeling someone or a few of them may die due to the harsh conditions. I don't think any of them thought to bring any kind of supplies before going through which is a rookie mistake by now if that's the case. I know they have weapons, but they really should have prepared more. I really did enjoy this episode and I'm glad we finally have all the information from Hope's past. I did enjoy seeing what happened before, but it took sometime to get all the puzzle pieces collected. Now we'll be able to focus more on the anomaly action. I also wonder what will happen in Sanctum now that only Madi, Murphy, Emori, Indra, and Jackson from the crew are there. Everyone else is stuck somewhere in the anomaly. Hopefully, they can all be together soon. I'm really excited to learn what everyone's fate will be that is in the anomaly. Majority of our characters are in trouble and not everyone may make it out alive. 

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