Thursday, April 9, 2020


This was a difficult list to make recently. I finally watched Frozen 2 which made me like Anna more, but lose points with Elsa. I even rewatched some of the newer princess films like Brave and The Princess and the Frog which I've only seen once or twice. I wanted this list to be one that I'm very satisfied with. I love almost all of these princesses for different or similar reasons which makes it hard to place them. Also, some of these princesses had a chance to redeem themselves for me in their sequels. While some disappointed me. And of course there's fourteen of them that I have to place. I don't put two in the same place I just never liked doing that. So, here we go into my favorite princesses! I'll start from number 14 and work my way up into the number 1 spot!

14. Snow White ~ The only thing I think I like about Snow White is her kindness towards animals. She went into a stranger's cottage hoping she'd be welcomed after cooking and cleaning for the dwarves. Luckily, they did welcome her, but it could've gone in a different direction. And after they told her not to let strangers in, she did. She even took food from the stranger and nearly died! Not only that, but after the prince kisses her awake she goes off with him. She hasn't even spoken to the guy. She ran when he approached her which was probably smart. But she never bothered to converse with this guy. But he wakes her and she's gonna go live happily ever after with him. Oh, and she's only 14! I know back then it was a common thing, but I feel like she was too young and naïve to do something like this. They didn't even know each other's names! Don't get me started on her horrible singing voice where I can only make out some of the words.
13. Aurora ~ I know she slept through most of the movie and she had the least amount of lines out of all the princesses. But I can relate to the sleeping part. She's also kind to the woodland creatures and seems to enjoy nature. Also, with her being asleep, she honestly could not help that. Maleficent put Aurora under a spell that made her prick her finger and fall into a deep sleep. Even though Phillip did rescue Aurora from the dragon, they still barely knew each other. They relied on thinking they saw each other in one another's dreams. Aurora was frightened at first, but she warmed up to Phillip pretty quickly. And I don't think they ever found out each other's names! Yet, another couple that pretty much knew nothing about each other. When she found out she was a princess, all she could think about was Phillip. I feel like I would've thrown up, not cried about a guy I just met. But they did meet when they were young even though they don't remember that. And their families do approve of their marriage. 
12. Elsa ~ She was farther up on my list, but Frozen 2 dropped her down for me. Here we go again with Elsa feeling like she's all alone. She has her sister and newfound friends who want to help her. Once again, she shuts them out and goes off alone. In doing this, she gets herself frozen leaving Anna to rescue her once again. Elsa is wise and I know she's just protecting Anna. That's a good thing of her to do when it comes to being a big sister. But I wish she would trust her sister more. Her sister more than proved how strong she was in the first film. It seemed like Elsa forgot about that and just continuously shoved her away. At the end of it all, Elsa did realize how wrong she was and made a big decision in regards to Anna and herself. But it was a very smart decision and it seems like she learned her lesson (finally). Elsa does love Anna very much and cares for her that is very clear. I love that Elsa is very independent and self-reliant, those are great qualities that she has learned over the years. But sometimes those qualities misguide her instead of help her. 
11. Tiana ~ This hardworking princess never gave up in trying to achieve her dreams! Through this movie we saw how hard Tiana worked and how passionate she was about gaining her very own restaurant. There were times that people doubted her and her friends nearly distracted her from the main goal. But she did realize she was losing sight of some important things by trying so hard. Even when Tiana was at her lowest, she didn't give up like some people would. I just wish that this princess could have a better prince. I really didn't like Naveen throughout this movie and feel like there was hardly any change in him. Tiana had to give him a good kick in the ass which did make him a bit better. But I still don't think he was worthy of someone as hardworking and independent as Tiana. These two were very opposite so I know where the romance comes in. But to me they were too different. I do have to say though that Tiana was a good influence on Naveen and her best friend Charlotte. 
10. Cinderella ~ In the first film, I didn't care much for this princess. The third film is what made me like her even more. The first film she was just wishing for a prince to come and rescue her. Of course, she did try by going to the ball and dancing with the prince. They danced the whole night and she didn't even bother to reveal her name to him. In the third film, she actually had to rescue the prince from her stepmother and stepsisters. Even though her stepsister Anastasia was going to steal the prince away Cinderella forgave her. In the end, Anastasia did the right thing and Cinderella decided not to punish her. I think it takes a lot to make that kind of decision. I can't say I would've been as kind. Cinderella reeks of kindness which I don't care for, but it does really define her character. It also shows why Charming chose her and why the mice love her so much. The third film gave her a chance to be more than the girl who fit the slipper. And it really did! 
9. Merida ~ This princess is not your typical princess. She's so much more and doesn't let anyone stop her from doing what she wants. When it came to someone shooting for Merida's hand, she shot for own and won! Merida is fiercely independent and loves feeling free. Even though her little brother's annoy her, it doesn't stop her from being kind to them. Merida and her mother don't have a great relationship during the film. Neither one of them listen to each other until it really matters. I love Merida and all of her qualities. The only thing I can say is that I wish she and her mother would've had better communication. If they did, they wouldn't have gotten into such a predicament. I would rank this princess higher, but I don't see any special qualities about her that could make me put her into a better position. She caused some of the problems that happened and she did resolve them. But she also did kind of act like a spoiled brat at times and so did her mother. I loved the relationship she had with her father and brothers. Also, she was just simply herself and that is enough. 
8. Moana ~ Moana is another princess who doesn't need a prince. What's also awesome is that her family never even brings that subject up. They believe Moana is strong enough to rule on her own terms. I think that made it easier for Moana to accept her role as a future leader. But she doesn't want to just lead her people, she wants to give them a better life! Even though her family fears change, that doesn't stop her from seeking out a better future for her people. Through her grandmother's influence and her own independence, Moana goes on an adventure to achieve the dream. I love that even though Moana is scared, she pushes herself forward. She relies on her relationship with the ocean and the spirit of her grandmother to help guide her when she needs it. And she doesn't let some demigod stand in her way either. Through the challenges she faces, she learns to be brave and to not fear the new. Moana is a combination of Pocahontas and Rapunzel to me. That's probably the only reason she isn't ranked higher. There's nothing I dislike about Moana really, but I don't find much that sets her apart from other princesses. 
7. Ariel ~ This unique mermaid princess dreams of becoming a human. A lot of people think it's just because of Eric which is not true. Before Eric came along Ariel was collecting objects from the human world. She even sings a song about living on land before seeing Eric. Eric just gave her that extra push she needed to make it come true. And it wasn't just him, but her father also drove her to it. Ariel made a big sacrifice by leaving behind her world to be a human and hopefully marry Eric. This was both brave and stupid. Ariel only studied Eric from afar, but she did save his life which put the relationship in motion. They did get to know each other better over the course of three days, which was difficult since Ariel couldn't speak. Ariel even saves Eric again when he tries to rescue her. But she also fell in love with someone who risked their life to save their dog so bonus points there! Plus, she is the only princess in the Disney line up that's a mermaid.

6. Anna ~ Anna used to be near the bottom, but Frozen 2 made her rise up for me in the rankings. Anna saved Elsa twice! Not only that, but it was at the times when she was at her lowest points. First time, she was freezing to death and risked her life to save Elsa instead of going for true love's kiss. Second time, she lost Olaf and was all alone. She felt like giving up, but she didn't. She cried for a little, but then she wiped away those tears and finished her missions. Anna acted more like a big sister than Elsa did in the second film. She constantly kept trying to protect Elsa and proved how reliable she was. Instead of crying about Hans not loving her, she punched that boy right in the face! Also, I love that she doesn't let ANYONE push her around or make her feel less than what she's worth. Anna believes in herself and the ones that she loves. She doesn't give up on herself or them. When it comes down to it, Anna is really a force to be reckoned with. She's also completely and unapologetically herself which I love! And I think we can all forgive the Hans thing, we were all a teenager in love once upon a time with a stupid guy we thought we would marry. Anna overcame everything thrown her way and proved that she could be a Queen without even trying to accomplish that!
5. Rapunzel ~ Who doesn't love this lively princess? Rapunzel lives locked in a tower, but she learns throughout her life to make the most of it. She doesn't just sit around, she cooks, bakes, reads, you name it! But this doesn't stop her from having dreams of seeing the floating lanterns. She's also that rebellious teenager in us that disobeys our parents. Even though Rapunzel is scared and dealing with a lot of emotions about venturing out into the world, she faces it all head on. She unexpectedly finds love along the way! Through her Flynn learns to be a better person and learns what it really means to have a dream. Rapunzel is also great with animals and people. Everyone who meets her loves her and her positive attitude rubs off on them. She even discovers on her own that Mother Gothel lied to her. After being pushed around for years Rapunzel stands up to her. She and Flynn even save each other a few times and discover that their new dream is each other. Their love is so beautiful because they brought out the best in each other through that love. The relationship started off rocky, but really blossomed throughout the movie. Rapunzel learned to be brave and to chase her dreams. Rapunzel is truly beautiful inside and out. 
 4. Belle ~ The bookworm of all the Disney princesses! Belle doesn't want the typical life all of the villagers live in. She wants more, like the lives she reads about in books. If you think about it, she really does get it. Her relationship with her prince is probably the best developed relationship as far as Disney couples go. They actually take time to learn about each other. And in the live action they bond over their love of books! Before Belle came along, the Beast was cruel and spoiled. Belle doesn't let him push her over like others might. She stands up to the Beast and makes him a better person for it. She even sacrificed herself so that the person she loves the most (her father) could live. Despite everything, Belle is the one person who never gave up on the Beast and found the good in him. People make the mistake of thinking Belle fell in love with a kidnapper. Not really. Belle was willing to give herself up, she offered to be the prisoner. The Beast didn't force her to do anything. Belle is smart, fearless, and strong. And she didn't settle for someone like Gaston who she had absolutely no interest in. In fact, she didn't care about marrying and having children. She cared about living her life the way she wanted. So, she also had dignity and independence! 
3. Mulan ~ The famous heroine of China! Mulan has so many great qualities that a lot of people didn't bother to see. Mulan started off as this awkward clumsy girl that was told she would not bring honor to her family. But she blossoms into the strongest warrior China has ever seen! She proves to everyone that even though she's a woman, she can battle the best of all the men. Even when she's told to go home twice, she doesn't. She stands her ground to prove herself and save her country. Her main goal was to take her father's place in the army. She knew that he would surely die if he went back as ordered. She reinvented herself so that he could live, even if it meant that she might die. She gets knocked down by the other men a few times, but she carries on. She proves to herself, family, and all of China that she can be a warrior. It doesn't matter what sex you are. And through doing this, Mulan brings honor to her family. It would've been easier if Mulan just gave up and went home. But she took the more challenging path and proved that she's a true warrior. In the sequel she's even trusted to be in charge of the Emperor's daughters. She never strays from who she truly is either. She makes a better man of Shang in the sequel by teaching him that it's ok to follow your heart sometimes. For all of this, Mulan came out of it stronger. So, Mulan basically proved everyone wrong and became an ass kicking heroine out of it.
2. Pocahontas ~ She is the daughter of the Indian Chief who already has a path chosen for her. But instead of following that path, Pocahontas learns to listen to her heart and choose her own path. Instead of judging the new people that come to her land, she takes the time to learn about one of them. Through John Smith she learns what the new people are really like. In return, she teaches John not to be so judgmental and greedy. She even saves him when her father orders him to be executed. In doing this, she also stops a war between her people and John Smith's. Through their love they were able to bring peace between their people and show that they can learn from each other. She even made the difficult decision to stay with her people and lead them. She could've went with John Smith back to his world. But she knew the right path was for her to stay and him to go so he could get better. Even though I don't like the second movie, I have to say her character grew even more when she ventured into England. In the sequel she showed true leadership skills by not backing down from Radcliffe and the king. I did not agree with her being with John Rolfe because it made it seem like her relationship with Smith meant nothing. It felt like they learned nothing from each other and that was disappointing. But regardless, Pocahontas had great character development and chose her own path. 
1. Jasmine ~ This princess has been my favorite ever since I was a toddler. (My sister can vouch for me). This princess doesn't let anyone boss her around. She's sassy, fierce, and adventurous. Jasmine wants more than just to live happily ever after with a prince. If she marries she wants it to be for love and she also wants to be the Sultan. Time and time again she is told she can not be Sultan. But through her bravery and knowledge, she shows that she rule the kingdom. People mistake this princess of being a spoiled brat. Jasmine is actually a pretty selfless princess. She doesn't hesitate to help those in need and wants to give her people a better life. In the third film King Of Thieves, she even postpones her own wedding. She does this so Aladdin can go and find his father, she promises to be waiting for Aladdin when he returns. She also fell in love with Aladdin for who he was, not because he had gems or jewels. She still loved him even when she found out the truth of who he really was. Jasmine doesn't settle for less than what she deserves and I think that's something we all should learn. Jasmine doesn't just want any prince and truly believes in herself to be the Sultan. She also doesn't just stand off to the side and wait to be rescued. She tries to join the fights and help as much as she is able to. Of course bonus points for her having a protective tiger, Rajah. In the live action she even gets her own song which is a very powerful anthem. She refuses to go out quietly even though Jafar has great power that he could potentially kill her with. Jasmine proves that she's a fearless leader and she not only proves that she can be Sultan, but she earns that position! Jasmine stuck to what she wanted no matter how hard the challenges were. She faced them head on!

There you have it! This is the order of my favorite princesses and why. Tell me, who are your favorite princesses? Do you have a list like I do? I would love to hear it if you do! Leave me your comments! Even if you disagree I wanna hear your thoughts. 

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