Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Top 10 Favorite Disney Songs

Hey everyone! Today I'd thought I do a fun yet challenging blog post on my top 10 favorite Disney songs. Now this was definitely not easy. There are so many Disney songs and not only that, but about 70% of them are fantastic! It was easy to eliminate some such as Snow White and Mary Poppins because I personally can't stand their voices or the songs. We also have live action Disney films that released new songs that are pretty damn impressive as well! There's also different versions of songs such as "A Whole New World" or "Beauty and the Beast". Now if those songs are on the list I did put some of the versions in the same number. I don't think it's fair to have the same song especially in a top 10 category. That just makes the decision that much harder. Because this was so hard I'm doing a top 10 and then 5 honorable mentions. Again, this is my favorite songs, not the best ones. I would love to know your favorites so if you'd like please leave a comment!

1. "Speechless" Princess Jasmine (Aladdin Live Action)
This is my favorite song ever! Jasmine is my favorite princess and when I heard that she would be having her own song I was very excited. Also, I was nervous because it could've been a flop. The song was very empowering and gave this princess a whole new voice. In the animated Aladdin, she's not the main character. In this live action she shared screen time with our hero. And of course she got her very own song that was very fitting for this fiercely independent princess. 

2. "A Whole New World" Aladdin and Jasmine Live Action/Animated 
I love both versions of this song! The animated one holds a special place in my heart. The live action did an amazing job staying true to the original. Both actors have beautiful voices and didn't take away what made this song so magical and romantic. 

3. "If I Never Knew You" Pocahontas & John Smith / Jon Secada & Shanice
Both versions of this song are pretty damn good. Unfortunately, the song was cut from the film and released later as a deleted scene. Even the scene itself is romantically dark. You can feel how special the love is between Pocahontas and John Smith in this song. Their love really is beautiful and it shows not just in this song, but throughout the movie. This song is just another gorgeous way of showing it. The end credits though do have Jon and Shanice singing the song which they did a great job on as well. 

4. "Evermore" Beast (Beauty and the Beast Live Action)
In the live action the Beast was given his own hauntingly romantic song. The Beast sings his heart out as Belle goes off to save her father. As he climbs the tower watching her go until he can no longer see her in the distance. He realizes that Belle has touched his life in a way no one has before. The Beast refuses to keep her locked up any longer and only hopes that she'll come back someday. Even if she doesn't break the curse it no longer matters. He truly found love and what it means. 

5. "You'll Be in My Heart" Phil Collins (Tarzan)
This song plays when the film wraps up and I think it's the perfect one. Phil Collins is a great singer for starters! The song starts as a slow ballad and as it goes on it turns into a powerful one. This song gives me shivers! I love how this song talks about no matter what someone may say, the person you truly love will still be in your heart. No words or actions can stop you if you really love someone. But it's also about bringing two worlds that seem so separate, together!

6. "How Does a Moment Last Forever" Celine Dion (Beauty and the Beast Live Action)
This song plays at the end of the film which I think is very fitting! This was actually my wedding song too. The song is about no matter how much time passes by, your love will still remain. Not only that, but your love is your own story, movie, fairytale, etc. It's yours and time will not take your love away. It's a very fitting song for this beloved film. 

7. "I'll Make a Man Out of You" Mulan 
This song in the film along with the scene itself is so powerful! Mulan struggles to be like one of the men at the start of their training. When she's told to go away she doesn't. She proves herself and works her way up so hard that she becomes the best warrior China has ever seen! During this whole scene you want Mulan to succeed and you root for her. 

8. "Colors of the Wind" Pocahontas / Vanessa Williams
This song is so deeply beautiful and the scene that goes with it equally so. Both versions of the song are done very well. Pocahontas feels connected to everything on Earth and takes us along on the journey showing us how deep it all is. She teaches us that everything on this planet has a meaning and spirit. We are all connected in some way that not everyone can see. 

9. "Beauty and the Beast" Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson
In my opinion this is the best version of Beauty and the Beast. I can feel the passion when Celine and Peabo sing this song at the end of the film. It's a very romantic song explaining how Belle and the Beast started off on a rocky note, but somehow were able to develop a sweet relationship. Belle truly helped Beast change into a better man and this song is a strong representation of that. 

10. "Lost in the Woods" Kristoff (Frozen 2)
I'm a sucker for this song because it sounds like an 80's love ballad and I love those kinds of songs. This was also really well done if that's what the creators were going for. We rarely get to see the men in these films sing a love ballad of their own. This song really told us just how much Kristoff loves Anna. 


11. "You and Me (Good Company)" Oliver and Company
This song is so adorable! Most Disney songs are about romance, but this is just about Jenny and Oliver which is so sweet! It gives you all the feels. 

12. "Zero to Hero" Hercules
This song always makes me wanna get up and dance! It's very upbeat, fun, and catchy. It's my favorite song from the film.

13. "All is Found" Frozen 2
The sequel had better songs in my opinion. I was going between this one and "Lost in the Woods" as the final one. This one is a sweet lullaby that Elsa and Anna's mother sung to them when they were young. 

14. "Reflection" Mulan
I think we can all relate to this one on some level. Mulan longs to be who she really is instead of just what her reflection tells her. She wants to find herself. 

15. "Savages" Pocahontas
This is another one that gives me the chills. The scene itself is so powerful and heart racing. I especially love all the colors and backgrounds shown, it makes it that much more intense. 

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