Sunday, April 5, 2020

My New Appreciation For Thumbelina

Hello everyone! So, let's cut to the chase, Thumbelina is not Disney, I'm very aware of that. You don't have to get on here and tell me that. Regardless, I wanted to talk about it because I actually watched it on DisneyPlus! Wanna know why? Well, it was distributed by Warner Bros. but now 20th Century Fox owns it. And of course Disney bought Fox so now they own Thumbelina, so there you have it! But I don't think Anastasia is on DisneyPlus yet, at least not that I have seen. Anyway, I recently watched this film again since it's been awhile. At first I thought of how cute and yet pretty silly it was. Thumbelina's mother wanted a child, but was given a tiny young woman. Regardless, she was satisfied and immediately bonded with Thumbelina. One night the fairy prince Cornelius hears Thumbelina singing and sneaks into her house because her voice is so beautiful. Thumbelina has the right reaction and runs, but Cornelius convinces her that he's harmless. After a little conversation they ride with Cornelius' pet bee out into the night. They sing "Let Me Be Your Wings" which is a beautiful love song in my opinion. And it makes sense since Cornelius literally takes Thumbelina under his wings and flies with her through the night singing and dancing. Upon returning her home, Thumbelina gives him a necklace of flowers and this dude gives her a ring. Where does he put it? On her ring finger. That's moving quite fast and of course I'm like, you've only had a night together. But of course these two feel a very strong connection from that night and know that they want to be together. 
The prince promises to come back in the morning so they can meet each other's parents and move everything along to get married asap. But during the night Thumbelina is kidnapped by a group of toads that heard her beautiful voice during the night. Anyone who falls for Thumbelina, it's mainly for her voice. Of course she's beautiful, but her voice is what captivates all of admirers at first. After being kidnapped, she's upset because she just wants to go home or be with her prince. A group of bugs and a swallow offer to help her despite the fact that the winter frost is coming. Along the way a beetle also kidnaps her due to her beautiful voice. He let's her go though because beetles think humans are ugly. So luckily, that experience is short lived. Thumbelina nearly freezes to death before Mrs. Fieldmouse finds her and takes her in. In exchange for saving Thumbelina, Mrs. Fieldmouse wants her to marry Mr. Mole who is very rich and old. Thumbelina explains she promised herself to Cornelius, but Mrs. Fieldmouse explains that the prince froze in a lake (which is true). So, everyone thinks the fairy prince is dead. Thumbelina agrees to marry Mr. Mole in her state of despair. At this point Thumbelina is at her lowest. This poor girl was kidnapped twice, misses her mother, found out her true love is dead, and is now practically forced into marrying an old ass mole. Oh, and the toad who wants to marry her is still after her too! Is this even legal? 
She's put into this disgusting outfit for the wedding. But during her whole walk down the aisle she can not stop thinking of Cornelius. She's even still wearing the ring he gave her (she's staring at it in the picture). When it finally comes to the "I do's" she says "Never!". She tells everyone she can't do this because she does not love Mr. Mole. Thumbelina is still loyal to Cornelius even though she thinks he's dead! That's wifey right there! No, really. She's treating their relationship like they're already married. She refuses to marry Mr. Mole because she truly loves Cornelius. She then tells everyone that she is not theirs and she is leaving. This girl went from being at her lowest to finally standing up for herself and doing what she wants. With the fairy prince's help she escapes from Mr. Mole, the beetle, and toad. She still doesn't know Cornelius is actually alive (her friends unfroze him) and that he took down the toad. The swallow Jacquimo flies her away from all the chaos and encourages her to sing. Despite being tired and over everything she sings which leads the fairy prince to find her. Cornelius asks Thumbelina to marry him and of course she says she will. They finally kiss which gives Thumbelina her very own wings and they wed. I'm actually impressed with Thumbelina's character development. She went from relying on others to help her and wallowing in self pity to finally taking a stand for herself. Even though she thought Cornelius was dead she sucked it up and fought for her freedom. And she stayed true to her feelings for him. Yes, the romance happened fast, but it ended up being pretty beautiful. It also set up Thumbelina's character development quite nicely. Also, my rating for the film would be a 8/10. It's cheesy, but despite that I did enjoy the story progression and I love the music! 

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