Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Let's Talk About Maximum Ride!

As many of you know, Maximum Ride by: James Patterson is my favorite series. It holds a special place in my heart and I reread it about every year. If you wanna check it out I'll give you a brief summary and you can decide for yourself. It's about six bird children who were experimented on because of their avian DNA condition. Jeb who was a part of it took them away from the lab, but now he's been missing. Max takes it upon herself to lead the flock. The scientists want them back though, and they're coming after the flock. While trying to stay safe from the scientists Max hears a voice in her head telling her she is meant to save the world. But how is a 14 year-old girl with wings going to do it, and will she? This series is or I should say was 9 books long! It was going to be 8 books with Nevermore wrapping it up. I liked the book, but not the ending just because I felt unsatisfied with the result. Luckily, Patterson came out with Maximum Ride: Forever which concluded the series in a much more satisfying way. This series gave me a taste of a new type of heroine that was much more like me. A lot of books I read at the time had a love triangle or the main lead needing a man to save them. Not Maximum Ride! Max was the leader who took care of her flock. She didn't take any shit. She was the mother of the group, but she wasn't a typical mother who cooked and cleaned. Max took care of her flock and kicked ass while doing it! A love triangle does play a part much later, but it's barely a love triangle. Max doesn't lead either of the guys on and let's them know what she wants. She sticks to her true self. Even with two guys wanting her, the main mission is always her focus as well as keeping her flock safe. Her character actually helped me become the person I am today and I will always thank this wonderful series for that. It got me through so much shit it's not even funny. Onto some awesome news about this series!
Once again, this is not the end. Patterson's series never really said the end anyway. Available July 6th 2020 is Hawk! This story is about Max's daughter so we're focused on a new bird kid as the series continues. I am very excited for this because as I stated this is my favorite series. I honestly thought Forever was the last book! My only issue is that I'm hoping this isn't a Harry Potter type of follow-up which this could be. I love this series and I want this book to make me fall in love with it all over again. This series has made me laugh, cry, hold my breath, etc. This series has something for everyone and I can't wait to have that all over again! Now, I don't have it on pre-order because I'm hoping Patterson will send me an ARC! I did ask him twice on Instagram now so I'm still hoping. I also, entered the giveaway on Goodreads, I am determined to get an ARC! If you're a fan like me though and want to pre-order here is a link! https://www.amazon.com/Hawk-James-Patterson/dp/0316494402
Finally, we have the movie! Now, while this was being produced it was receiving a lot of backlash. But me being the fan that I am had hopes for it. I'll admit, I was not a fan of the casting for Max, Fang, and Iggy. The actors didn't fit the characters description, but that happens often in movies. I didn't want to knock down my favorite series. When it came out I had bought the movie on iTunes with a giftcard I received from work. Well, I'm glad I did that because I was unfortunately disappointed in the movie. In the books these kids wear hoodies, jeans, and sneakers. In the movie, it looks like they just took a trip to the mall. Max is just not Max. Same with Fang, Iggy, and Angel. Not at all how I pictured these characters. Nudge and Gazzy are probably the best. It was just too different from the books for my liking. The best scene was probably when they were locked in cages and when they escaped, but that's it. It even has a 3.6 rating on IMDB which is below probably every book that has been made into a movie. Scrolling through recommendations with Maximum Ride I see Twilight, Vampire Academy, Fallen, and Mortal Instruments being well above that. 
This is the cast I was actually hoping for. Unfortunately, these people are just the models for the book covers. But they were what I pictured. Or even Piera Forde who is my favorite blogger! I know she really wanted that role, but something happened where she didn't get it. In my opinion she would've been a perfect Max. There's even YouTube videos she made of certain Maximum Ride scenes that are pretty damn good! Regardless of the film flop, I still love Maximum Ride and I will, forever. Now let's hope I get an ARC of Hawk! 

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