As many of you know, Maximum Ride by: James Patterson is my favorite series. It holds a special place in my heart and I reread it about every year. If you wanna check it out I'll give you a brief summary and you can decide for yourself. It's about six bird children who were experimented on because of their avian DNA condition. Jeb who was a part of it took them away from the lab, but now he's been missing. Max takes it upon herself to lead the flock. The scientists want them back though, and they're coming after the flock. While trying to stay safe from the scientists Max hears a voice in her head telling her she is meant to save the world. But how is a 14 year-old girl with wings going to do it, and will she? This series is or I should say was 9 books long! It was going to be 8 books with Nevermore wrapping it up. I liked the book, but not the ending just because I felt unsatisfied with the result. Luckily, Patterson came out with Maximum Ride: Forever which concluded the series in a much more satisfying way. This series gave me a taste of a new type of heroine that was much more like me. A lot of books I read at the time had a love triangle or the main lead needing a man to save them. Not Maximum Ride! Max was the leader who took care of her flock. She didn't take any shit. She was the mother of the group, but she wasn't a typical mother who cooked and cleaned. Max took care of her flock and kicked ass while doing it! A love triangle does play a part much later, but it's barely a love triangle. Max doesn't lead either of the guys on and let's them know what she wants. She sticks to her true self. Even with two guys wanting her, the main mission is always her focus as well as keeping her flock safe. Her character actually helped me become the person I am today and I will always thank this wonderful series for that. It got me through so much shit it's not even funny. Onto some awesome news about this series!
Once again, this is not the end. Patterson's series never really said the end anyway. Available July 6th 2020 is Hawk! This story is about Max's daughter so we're focused on a new bird kid as the series continues. I am very excited for this because as I stated this is my favorite series. I honestly thought Forever was the last book! My only issue is that I'm hoping this isn't a Harry Potter type of follow-up which this could be. I love this series and I want this book to make me fall in love with it all over again. This series has made me laugh, cry, hold my breath, etc. This series has something for everyone and I can't wait to have that all over again! Now, I don't have it on pre-order because I'm hoping Patterson will send me an ARC! I did ask him twice on Instagram now so I'm still hoping. I also, entered the giveaway on Goodreads, I am determined to get an ARC! If you're a fan like me though and want to pre-order here is a link!
Finally, we have the movie! Now, while this was being produced it was receiving a lot of backlash. But me being the fan that I am had hopes for it. I'll admit, I was not a fan of the casting for Max, Fang, and Iggy. The actors didn't fit the characters description, but that happens often in movies. I didn't want to knock down my favorite series. When it came out I had bought the movie on iTunes with a giftcard I received from work. Well, I'm glad I did that because I was unfortunately disappointed in the movie. In the books these kids wear hoodies, jeans, and sneakers. In the movie, it looks like they just took a trip to the mall. Max is just not Max. Same with Fang, Iggy, and Angel. Not at all how I pictured these characters. Nudge and Gazzy are probably the best. It was just too different from the books for my liking. The best scene was probably when they were locked in cages and when they escaped, but that's it. It even has a 3.6 rating on IMDB which is below probably every book that has been made into a movie. Scrolling through recommendations with Maximum Ride I see Twilight, Vampire Academy, Fallen, and Mortal Instruments being well above that.
This is the cast I was actually hoping for. Unfortunately, these people are just the models for the book covers. But they were what I pictured. Or even Piera Forde who is my favorite blogger! I know she really wanted that role, but something happened where she didn't get it. In my opinion she would've been a perfect Max. There's even YouTube videos she made of certain Maximum Ride scenes that are pretty damn good! Regardless of the film flop, I still love Maximum Ride and I will, forever. Now let's hope I get an ARC of Hawk!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
My thoughts on the book and film After by: Anna Todd
I'm sure many of you have read or at least heard of the book After. This book was a huge hit on Wattpad which is a website where you can publish your own work and readers can check it out for free. This was originally written as a One Direction fanfiction book that of course was edited and produced into a different direction! Ha, get it? Because they changed...nevermind. Anyway, I read some of this book, but I never left a review or rated it on Goodreads, yet. But basically I didn't enjoy the book. Tessa started off as this independent bookworm. She pretty much had her life planned until Hardin came along and made her question everything. I was displeased that Tessa would fall for someone like Hardin. He played with her heart and emotionally abused her. But that's ok because he's a hot bad boy with tattoos and an accent, right? Not in my book. I honestly don't know why girls fantasize about guys like Hardin. Why can't the guy be nice? They have a messed up past and always want to take it out on the girl that wants to save them. Guys like this need to take responsibility for their own actions and feelings. I'm not a fan of books that make these girls look stupid! I felt sorry for Tessa because I know she was confused after venturing out to college and being on her own. But also, there are better guys out there than Hardin. I actually liked the trailer and previews that I saw for the movie though and decided to check it out.
Surprisingly, I found the film to be better than the book. Hardin wasn't emotionally abusive. He challenged Tessa's mind which I liked. When Tessa found out about a secret he kept from her he seemed sincerely sorry. This Hardin was actually smart and caring. He didn't emotionally abuse Tessa and she didn't let him get the best of her. They both challenged each other and brought out the better parts of one another. Tessa questioned everything she thought she wanted when she got to know Hardin. She realized she didn't want the life her mother decided to build for her. Through Hardin she knew she wanted to major in English Business instead of Economics. She was never in love with her best friend Noah. I didn't like that it took Tessa so long to tell Noah about Hardin and that she cheated. But I understood why it was a hard process for her. Tessa was confused and didn't know if she still wanted the life that was already planned or the new life she was discovering. But through their relationship Tessa found herself. She even helped Hardin to open his heart to love. Hardin was able to finally love someone more than himself. The movie did have cheesy acting not from the actors of Hardin and Tessa, but from Molly and Jace. I was very satisfied that Tessa didn't throw herself at Hardin. She had standards for herself and she still did, but at a better degree by the end of the film. The movie gets a 6/10 from me. The book on the other hand would definitely be a 1/5. I didn't finish the book, but I did finish the movie and wish the book would've been more like the movie.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Frozen 2 movie review! Warning: Contains Spoilers
If you haven't heard, Frozen II has come to DisneyPlus 3 months early! What a treat for those of us who have to stay home due to all this coronavirus chaos. Not gonna lie, I'm not a huge Frozen fan like most Disney lovers. I did enjoy the first film, but "Let It Go" was overplayed. Not only that, but there was so much merchandise for it that Disney separated Anna and Elsa from the Disney Princess merch. In my opinion, it was overly hyped. But it did have it's good parts such as Elsa being a strong independent princess who became Queen when her parents died. A wonderful sister relationship that became mended by Anna saving Elsa from herself. Also, the film did show that princesses don't need a man's love to be saved. Sometimes all you need is the person who has been there for you the whole time.
Onto the sequel! We start off with a sweet moment of Elsa and Anna bonding with their parents. The King tells them a story of how the people of Northuldra and the people of Arendelle tried to make peace with each other. Unfortunately, the plan was not successful and no one knows why. Each side blames one another, but doesn't truly know why a war broke on the day peace should've been made. Also, the king claims he was saved, but he never found out by who, just heard a voice singing. Then the Queen sings them a lullaby and that's where the first scene ends. It sets up the movie quite well for what's about to happen.
The movie takes place three years after the events of the first film. Elsa is ruling as Queen and everything seems to be going well. Kristoff is even ready to finally propose to Anna.
Elsa is hiding the fact that she has been hearing a voice calling to her. When she tried to unsuccessfully ignore it, a dangerous storm came to Arendelle. A storm of the elements which forced the people of Arendelle to leave for the time being. Elsa decides she must find the fifth element, follow the voice, and help her people. Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf come along on the adventure of course.
The gang meets the people of Northuldra and explains to them that they want to help. Of course the people of Northuldra are not convinced due to the war that happened many year ago.
Elsa decides to take the journey on her own to find the fifth element and restore the peace. She doesn't want anyone to get hurt like last time. This leaves Anna and Olaf hurt. Kristoff also feels far apart from Anna and isn't sure where he fits in Anna's life anymore. An unfortunate event happens to Elsa and Olaf as a result. Anna feels like giving up at first, but she gets back up and discovers what she has to do in order to bring peace to her people and the people of Northuldra. Anna is successful in her mission and Elsa is able to save Arendelle as a result.
Anna and Elsa realize that even far apart they are able to work together. All of this results in Elsa making a huge decision! Anna will become the new Queen of Arendelle. Kristoff takes that as his chance to propose and Anna accepts so he'll become her King. Elsa decides to stay behind to be with the people of Northuldra where she feels she truly belongs. Anna and Elsa keep in contact assuring each other of how they're doing and making plans to spend time together.
This movie was much better than the first. The songs were beautiful! Everyone had their own song and I enjoyed them all. Kristoff even got his own pop star ballad, but it was really good! Elsa finally found herself and somewhere she felt she belonged. The voice she was hearing was not what I was expecting either! I feel silly for not knowing, but I really thought it would've been too predictable. In the first film Anna was the naïve hero. In this one, she was more mature and proved once again how strong she was. She managed to save Elsa again and not only that, but everyone else! Elsa saw how much Anna matured and how strong she was. She trusted Anna enough to give her the Queen position and entrusted her with Arendelle. Also, the movie made me cry a few times like all the Disney movies love to make me do lately! The way the movie ended definitely made it seem like there will be a Frozen III. We may have to wait another six years for it, but hopefully it'll be worth it just like the wait for this one was. I give this film a 9/10!. And Anna definitely moved up in my favorite princesses list, just not sure exactly where yet though!
Onto the sequel! We start off with a sweet moment of Elsa and Anna bonding with their parents. The King tells them a story of how the people of Northuldra and the people of Arendelle tried to make peace with each other. Unfortunately, the plan was not successful and no one knows why. Each side blames one another, but doesn't truly know why a war broke on the day peace should've been made. Also, the king claims he was saved, but he never found out by who, just heard a voice singing. Then the Queen sings them a lullaby and that's where the first scene ends. It sets up the movie quite well for what's about to happen.
The movie takes place three years after the events of the first film. Elsa is ruling as Queen and everything seems to be going well. Kristoff is even ready to finally propose to Anna.
Elsa is hiding the fact that she has been hearing a voice calling to her. When she tried to unsuccessfully ignore it, a dangerous storm came to Arendelle. A storm of the elements which forced the people of Arendelle to leave for the time being. Elsa decides she must find the fifth element, follow the voice, and help her people. Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf come along on the adventure of course.
The gang meets the people of Northuldra and explains to them that they want to help. Of course the people of Northuldra are not convinced due to the war that happened many year ago.
Elsa decides to take the journey on her own to find the fifth element and restore the peace. She doesn't want anyone to get hurt like last time. This leaves Anna and Olaf hurt. Kristoff also feels far apart from Anna and isn't sure where he fits in Anna's life anymore. An unfortunate event happens to Elsa and Olaf as a result. Anna feels like giving up at first, but she gets back up and discovers what she has to do in order to bring peace to her people and the people of Northuldra. Anna is successful in her mission and Elsa is able to save Arendelle as a result.
Anna and Elsa realize that even far apart they are able to work together. All of this results in Elsa making a huge decision! Anna will become the new Queen of Arendelle. Kristoff takes that as his chance to propose and Anna accepts so he'll become her King. Elsa decides to stay behind to be with the people of Northuldra where she feels she truly belongs. Anna and Elsa keep in contact assuring each other of how they're doing and making plans to spend time together.
This movie was much better than the first. The songs were beautiful! Everyone had their own song and I enjoyed them all. Kristoff even got his own pop star ballad, but it was really good! Elsa finally found herself and somewhere she felt she belonged. The voice she was hearing was not what I was expecting either! I feel silly for not knowing, but I really thought it would've been too predictable. In the first film Anna was the naïve hero. In this one, she was more mature and proved once again how strong she was. She managed to save Elsa again and not only that, but everyone else! Elsa saw how much Anna matured and how strong she was. She trusted Anna enough to give her the Queen position and entrusted her with Arendelle. Also, the movie made me cry a few times like all the Disney movies love to make me do lately! The way the movie ended definitely made it seem like there will be a Frozen III. We may have to wait another six years for it, but hopefully it'll be worth it just like the wait for this one was. I give this film a 9/10!. And Anna definitely moved up in my favorite princesses list, just not sure exactly where yet though!
Monday, March 23, 2020
Beauty's Beast Book Review or should it be Beast's Beauty?
I read this book for FREE on kindle! One of my favorite topics is fairytale retellings and when I heard of this I had to pick it up. Normally, I don't pick up books with a male's torso on the cover though. I never have a good relationship with these types of books. But I put my judgement aside and decided to give it a chance. The start of the book started off promising. Daphne was strong and independent which I love in a character. Bonus points, she was also very smart or so that's how she came off at first. That all changed once the Beast entered her life. Daphne finds out that her father along with her good friend Adam have been selling part of the business and research she has been working so hard at. Due to this, the Beast makes Daphne his, and he is in full control. This is where it goes down hill. At first, Daphne is determined to save the business and get away from the Beast. The Beast tells her that he'll take care of her and that she doesn't have to worry about anything. Then he goes into abusive mode by telling her this and then saying she basically can't do anything without his permission. His goal is to make Daphne submit to him. Daphne let's this asshole break her walls and even take her virginity when he doesn't even deserve to have it. She had to prove to him that she was a virgin??? No, no, no, she does not owe him that! Then Daphne finds out that this Beast is a longtime "friend" Logan. Some friend! Who in the hell does this shit to their friend? He even said that he loved her for a long time and she loves him as well. But Logan is no longer the same person and I feel that Daphne needs to accept that. Daphne has never been in a relationship due to her work taking up all of her time. Also, she is oblivious when a guy does like her. Logan being her first everything is actually really sad. He's not showing her what a relationship should be like. He doesn't even explain his rules until after she breaks one of them. Logan just punishes her and makes up a reason why. Daphne knows that this is all wrong and she shouldn't want to be with Logan at all. But of course she feels sorry for him and wants to change/save him. Blech! How about he stops pitying himself and saves his own ass? He's such a big strong man right? Amazon has this book as an Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance. I have to disagree. I see this more as a Bully type of book. I don't think it's romantic and these two are not lovers! Oh yes, it was so romantic when Logan grabbed Daphne's vagina in front of her mother's grave. I did finish the book since it was a short read. I will not be continuing the series though. Breaking down strong and independent women is not my cup of tea. This is a book about an abusive relationship really. Logan "I'm going to hurt you, but then I'll take you in my arms and comfort you". That is not ok!
1 Star
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Magic of the Moonlight by: Ellen Schreiber book review & MORE
Hey, everyone! As some of you know I finally got married to my soulmate on Monday 03/16 and it was a fantastic day! I decided to reread the book that helped this day to happen. When I was reading Magic of the Moonlight, my husband got on his knees (he's very tall) just to look and see what I was reading. Three days later we got together for coffee and had an eight hour conversation. He even knew the author because he read a few of the Vampire Kisses books as did I! I had to reread this book before our big day and actually did not finish the last book. But now I plan to since I remember how much I liked the second book 7 seven years ago. Anyway, I would like to get on with the review!
In the sequel to this wolf tale Celeste faces even bigger obstacles. The boy she wants to be with is a werewolf. Not only that, but her ex Nash knows about it. Nash threatens to tell everyone that Brandon is a werewolf unless Celeste agrees not to see Brandon. Of course, Celeste doesn't want that to happen and Brandon agrees that they'll only see each other in secret. But the complications don't end there, unfortunately. Celeste's best friends Abby and Ivy are conflicted about Celeste even being friends with Brandon since he's from the other side. Abby is more open to it since Brandon saved her dog Pumpkin in the previous book. Ivy on the other hand doesn't want anything to change with the group. Ivy wants to keep the three best girlfriends date the three best guy friends the same. I don't see that happening especially with the way Dylan and Jake treat Abby and Ivy. They boss them around and expect them to do whatever they want. When Celeste finally tells her best friends that she's really dating Brandon, there's tension in the relationship. Abby had a feeling so she's not angry. Ivy was hoping Celeste would get back with Nash so bad that she didn't see it. As a result she's mad because she didn't know the latest dirty gossip. I don't like Ivy and I don't think she's a good friend. She was mad because she didn't know Celeste's secret. I know she was also hurt because Celeste thought Ivy would judge the relationship. But Celeste was not wrong to think that! Ivy talked garbage on Brandon and didn't even wanna give the guy a chance. Celeste had good reasons for not telling Ivy. I don't see their "friendship" surviving in the next book even though they did make up just because Celeste bought Ivy jewelry. After Celeste tells her best friends, Nash isn't very happy about it, but Celeste stands up to him. This action let's Nash finally confess his deep feelings for Celeste, but it's too late. Celeste did like Nash, but she never loved him and realized that they are not a good match. They were mostly together for the sake of their group friendship that they loved having. But Nash isn't entirely the same anymore either. Nash has been bitten and is now a werewolf himself just like Brandon. Celeste's life is now even more complicated because she has to find a way to help the love of her life and her ex who she still cares about. I have to say, I love the romance in these books. The romance is so sweet and innocent and I don't find many books like that anymore. In Ellen's books the couples kiss, hug, go on dates, etc. The romance is simple, but I can still feel it within the pages with the way she writes and I really enjoy that! I look forward to the conclusion to this trilogy!
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
WWE Wrestlemania UPDATE
Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well during this crazy time. As you all know many events are getting cancelled left and right. Mulan's release is postponed, along with other Disney movie productions until further notice. Brightside, Frozen 2 has been released 3 months early on DisneyPlus due to schools being cancelled. Of course, I plan to watch it soon and give you all my thoughts. But I want to talk about something else today. Wrestlemania has not been postponed and I must say that I am very disappointed in everyone's decision on this. Here is the post from Instagram and I do credit WWE and all of it's superstars for sharing the information.
A lot of places of unemployment are cancelling work for their employees due to safety reasons which I agree with. I do not agree with people acting crazy by purchasing tons of toilet paper and soap. I'm not happy with the way WWE is going about this along with the city officials who have been planning this. The city officials should've cancelled or postponed (preferably) the event before WWE had to make this decision. The city officials cancelled other events that were expected to take place, but they did nothing for the WWE superstars or the fans in the wake of this outbreak. They waited for the big bosses of the WWE to do something instead which in my opinion is unsatisfactory for many of us. Having Wrestlemania in the performance center will not be the same. Not only that, but many fans have gone to Facebook, Instagram, etc. to express just how angry and upset they are at this decision. This is the time that WWE should really listen to the fans and postpone the event in the best interest of their fans and superstars. Wrestlemania is the biggest event of the year where the fans come together to really enjoy the performances by WWE's superstars. For some people this is their very first Wrestlemania that they have been looking forward to for months! If the event is postponed, they could still potentially attend the event. If the event is held in the performance center it lacks so much hype and potential. I don't think many people will stream the event. If anything, WWE may lose many of it's subscribers. Honestly, I don't even want to watch RAW and SmackDown the way they are right now. As many of you know thier past few shows have been taped at the performance center with no live audience. I saw a few clips and it's just not the same without the audience. It's pretty boring and doesn't have the same level of excitement. Also, anyone can be carrying the virus and not know it. Some people don't even show any symptoms. This mean of course that any of the superstars could potentially be carrying this and pass it to the others. Should we still have Wrestlemania then? This needs to be postponed, I don't believe WWE is making the right decision and many others agree. Hopefully, this changes because I may not watch Wrestlemania if this is how it's going to be performed. WWE you better wake up and make a better decision because I believe this is really going to hurt the company. There's already a big money loss in having to refund the fans who have purchased tickets. If you think, that they are going to just livestream it and accept that, think again. If it were me, I would be devastated as a long time fan of this company. I have never been to a Wrestlemania (yet), but if I had to miss out on this possibly once in a lifetime opportunity to see such a great show, I would be heartbroken. I know that sounds over the top, but really it's not. It's like your parents saying they'll take you to Disneyworld and then you find out that you can't due to this outbreak. Which is also happening for many families because all the parks also closed down. I know this is a situation where it may get worse before it gets better. But I truly believe that it will be better if Wrestlemania is postponed. If it's not, I see a very bad future for WWE.
A lot of places of unemployment are cancelling work for their employees due to safety reasons which I agree with. I do not agree with people acting crazy by purchasing tons of toilet paper and soap. I'm not happy with the way WWE is going about this along with the city officials who have been planning this. The city officials should've cancelled or postponed (preferably) the event before WWE had to make this decision. The city officials cancelled other events that were expected to take place, but they did nothing for the WWE superstars or the fans in the wake of this outbreak. They waited for the big bosses of the WWE to do something instead which in my opinion is unsatisfactory for many of us. Having Wrestlemania in the performance center will not be the same. Not only that, but many fans have gone to Facebook, Instagram, etc. to express just how angry and upset they are at this decision. This is the time that WWE should really listen to the fans and postpone the event in the best interest of their fans and superstars. Wrestlemania is the biggest event of the year where the fans come together to really enjoy the performances by WWE's superstars. For some people this is their very first Wrestlemania that they have been looking forward to for months! If the event is postponed, they could still potentially attend the event. If the event is held in the performance center it lacks so much hype and potential. I don't think many people will stream the event. If anything, WWE may lose many of it's subscribers. Honestly, I don't even want to watch RAW and SmackDown the way they are right now. As many of you know thier past few shows have been taped at the performance center with no live audience. I saw a few clips and it's just not the same without the audience. It's pretty boring and doesn't have the same level of excitement. Also, anyone can be carrying the virus and not know it. Some people don't even show any symptoms. This mean of course that any of the superstars could potentially be carrying this and pass it to the others. Should we still have Wrestlemania then? This needs to be postponed, I don't believe WWE is making the right decision and many others agree. Hopefully, this changes because I may not watch Wrestlemania if this is how it's going to be performed. WWE you better wake up and make a better decision because I believe this is really going to hurt the company. There's already a big money loss in having to refund the fans who have purchased tickets. If you think, that they are going to just livestream it and accept that, think again. If it were me, I would be devastated as a long time fan of this company. I have never been to a Wrestlemania (yet), but if I had to miss out on this possibly once in a lifetime opportunity to see such a great show, I would be heartbroken. I know that sounds over the top, but really it's not. It's like your parents saying they'll take you to Disneyworld and then you find out that you can't due to this outbreak. Which is also happening for many families because all the parks also closed down. I know this is a situation where it may get worse before it gets better. But I truly believe that it will be better if Wrestlemania is postponed. If it's not, I see a very bad future for WWE.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Regretting You by: Colleen Hoover Book Review!
I read this book on Kindle so I don't have a fancy photo this time, but I do plan to purchase this in paperback. This was a great book and probably my favorite from Hoover! We start off finding out that Morgan is pregnant with her boyfriend's baby, but she's in love with his best friend. Seventeen years into the future Morgan is happily married with Chris and raising their sixteen year old daughter Clara. Now that Clara is almost done with high school Morgan wants to find her calling. All she's ever known is being a stay at home mom because Chris provided plenty of money for them. When Jonah (the best friend Morgan was in love with) comes back, her world turns upside down. Morgan's sister Jenny had Jonah's baby so he decides to come back and do the rightful thing and marry Jenny. Those plans are shattered when Chris and Jenny get into an accident. But Jenny and Chris were supposed to be at work! With Jenny and Chris dead, Morgan and Jonah are left to put the puzzle pieces together of why Chris and Jenny were together. Jonah had said seventeen years ago that he thought they were all with the wrong people. Jonah may have been right. Clara is left to deal with it all and doesn't know what to do with her feelings. Clara gets together with Miller Adams during the whole ordeal which brings tension in the relationship between her and her mother. Morgan knows Miller's father who is in jail and he was always getting into trouble. After Clara makes some questionable choices Morgan blames Miller even though Miller didn't influence Morgan's decisions. Clara rebels harder when she sees her mother and Jonah kissing. She assumes they were having an affair the whole time while her father was still alive. Morgan has to make a choice of either telling Clara the whole truth and saving the relationship they have and risk Clara hating her father. Or she can let Clara believe what she's assuming and allow her daughter to have hatred for her instead. This book was so good I finished it in one day! I loved everyone's relationships with each other. No one was just around just for filler. Everyone easily connected with one another in some manner and I loved that! Also, Gramps was probably the best character and I wish I had seen more of him. The relationship between Gramps and Miller (his grandson) reminded me of the relationship my grandfather and I had. They were witty and playfully teased each other it was very well done. At one part in this book I almost started crying, but then I got angry. I don't think a book has ever done that to me in such a quick amount of time. The romances also were so damn good! I thought Miller and Clara were so good together and I think they will stay together like Miller thinks. Also, the relationship between Jonah and Morgan is so tense, but it's perfect for what happens later! I'm even more excited for Hoover's releases this year!
Sunday, March 8, 2020
The 100 season 7 release date and predictions!
Finally! In about 2 months The 100 is returning for it's seventh and FINAL season! It's a bit later than normal just like the last few seasons have been. But this season is going to contain 16 episodes leaving us with 100 of them. I can not wait to see the trailer! It would probably be a better idea to wait until I see the trailer and then make my predictions. As many of you know though, trailers can be deceiving. I don't want my opinions to be swayed by everything I see in that. Also, the music that plays makes it all feel that much more intense. You could mistake a simple scene of someone saying goodbye as them leaving for good in some way. When actually, they're just saying goodbye and that they'll be back. With the way The 100 works, this could honestly go either way. So, I'm going to make a few predictions now, and later I'll get to see how right or wrong I am.
Octavia will save Bellamy. So, I know this one is weird because Octavia was the one who disappeared into the anomaly. But I really think Octavia is fine. It seems like she has a mission to complete and that's why she went in. Of course Bellamy doesn't understand that at the moment. When Hope stabbed her Octavia whispered “Now be brave. Tell them it’s done.” Of course we're confused and wondering what the fuck does this all mean? But I feel like Bellamy will enter the anomaly to try and get Octavia back. Their relationship is starting to mend, finally after two seasons. Bellamy finally has his sister back and he won't let her go without a fight. As a result, Bellamy is going to get stuck in the anomaly somehow and Octavia will be the one to save him this time. Finally, after years of him protecting her, Octavia can be the hero this time. Also, I believe the commander is the one who has Diyoza, he's not truly gone. But Octavia won't be the one to defeat him. She'll just play the part in getting Bellamy back and their relationship will be stronger for it.
Madi will defeat the Commander. Last season the Commander tried to take over Madi and she was letting him. The Commander was manipulating this young naïve girl to do whatever he wanted. Madi got suckered in of course and nearly turned completely evil. This is her chance to take down the Commander for what he has done to her. I feel that Clarke will of course want to be the savior and take him down. But Madi knows she is the one who should take him out once and for all. She was the victim in his cruel game. Octavia could take him down too and really redeem her past actions. But I feel like this particular role belongs to Madi because of the crazy relationship between her and the Commander.
This leads me to Jordan. Poor Jordan. He went through so much these last two seasons. From living a simple life on the spaceship to facing chaos with his parent's best friends. I have two separate predictions for him. One: the Commander will now manipulate Jordan. I feel like the Commander could easily do this. Jordan is very vulnerable right now after everything that has happened. The Commander could use that to his advantage. Second, Jordan will end up depressed like Jasper, but probably not commit suicide. After everything Jordan has been exposed to, that can really fuck with someone's head. Especially, after never being around that type of environment. But I feel like he'll remember how his father Monty talked about Jasper. That'll be part of the reason he doesn't go through with it. Also, I feel like Jordan and Raven will bond over having losing people they loved. Here comes another prediction from this.
Raven and Jordan will become a couple. Yes, I know this sounds weird because Jordan was born 20 something years before them. But he is around the same age as the rest of the crew physically. I feel like these two could really connect and have a romance. They'll have that bonding and work together to help stop the Commander as a team. Working so closely together and working well will bring on the feelings. I know we didn't see much of a relationship with them last season, but that could change in a matter of episodes. I do have a broken relationship prediction from this!
Bellamy and Echo will break up. These two have no chemistry in my opinion. Yes, they do have each other's backs and work well together, but so do Bellamy and Clarke. I don't feel like these two have romantic chemistry. I like that how they first met was that Echo had spit in Bellamy's face. You really didn't know then that these two would become a couple. I really still don't understand the relationship. In my opinion, I think they were only put together to cause more tension between Bellamy and Octavia in season 5. Also, almost everyone on The Ark was coupled except for Raven. So, also they were probably just lonely. It could've been Bellamy's way to move on after he thought Clarke was dead. But either way, I don't think this couple is meant to last.
Clarke and Bellamy will briefly get together! As we all know, the director doesn't really care for putting Bellamy and Clarke together. He thinks they have a strong enough relationship without the romance. That's fine and dandy, but I think we will get a bittersweet moment of what we all want! I know that some fans don't want this relationship to overshadow Lexa and Clarke. But come on! They were not the best LGBT relationship. Also, Clarke deserves to move on and what better way than with the person she loves and trusts more than anyone? But I believe it will be short lived. I feel that Clarke and Bellamy will share an embrace before Clarke sacrifices herself to save everyone. So, we'll get what we want, but it'll be bittersweet.
As I did state already I think Clarke will sacrifice herself to save everyone. She was a hero this past season and has started to redeem herself. But this will be the ultimate act for all of her past mistakes. Sacrificing herself so her friends can live on.
Emori makes questionable choices and always has. This past season she mixed it up a bit. Emori started off with making a bad decision, but she loved her friends too much to continue with it. Emori has really shown how much she has changed and why she and John didn't fit together anymore. She's going to go down in a big way that'll make her death worthy.
Finally, Miller. Miller has slowly become an important character throughout the show. He went from being one of Bellamy's lapdogs to a protector of all. But regardless, I don't think Miller is still made out to be as important as some of the others. For this reason I think he may die protecting Jackson or someone else he loves. But I may be incorrect because one LGBT relationship in the show got thrown out due to Lexa's death. The fans may riot if the director does it again. But I feel that unlike Lexa, Miller would get a respectful and noble death if he does go down. It would be a chance to do it right.
I'm hoping there's not too many deaths. But almost every season a main character does get killed off. We can expect the same in the final season I'm sure.
These are some of my predictions for the upcoming season! What are some of yours? I would really love to know so please leave your comments if you have any for me!
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