Sunday, March 8, 2020

The 100 season 7 release date and predictions!

Finally! In about 2 months The 100 is returning for it's seventh and FINAL season! It's a bit later than normal just like the last few seasons have been. But this season is going to contain 16 episodes leaving us with 100 of them. I can not wait to see the trailer! It would probably be a better idea to wait until I see the trailer and then make my predictions. As many of you know though, trailers can be deceiving. I don't want my opinions to be swayed by everything I see in that. Also, the music that plays makes it all feel that much more intense. You could mistake a simple scene of someone saying goodbye as them leaving for good in some way. When actually, they're just saying goodbye and that they'll be back. With the way The 100 works, this could honestly go either way. So, I'm going to make a few predictions now, and later I'll get to see how right or wrong I am. 
Octavia will save Bellamy. So, I know this one is weird because Octavia was the one who disappeared into the anomaly. But I really think Octavia is fine. It seems like she has a mission to complete and that's why she went in. Of course Bellamy doesn't understand that at the moment. When Hope stabbed her Octavia whispered “Now be brave. Tell them it’s done.” Of course we're confused and wondering what the fuck does this all mean? But I feel like Bellamy will enter the anomaly to try and get Octavia back. Their relationship is starting to mend, finally after two seasons. Bellamy finally has his sister back and he won't let her go without a fight. As a result, Bellamy is going to get stuck in the anomaly somehow and Octavia will be the one to save him this time. Finally, after years of him protecting her, Octavia can be the hero this time. Also, I believe the commander is the one who has Diyoza, he's not truly gone. But Octavia won't be the one to defeat him. She'll just play the part in getting Bellamy back and their relationship will be stronger for it. 

Madi will defeat the Commander. Last season the Commander tried to take over Madi and she was letting him. The Commander was manipulating this young naïve girl to do whatever he wanted. Madi got suckered in of course and nearly turned completely evil. This is her chance to take down the Commander for what he has done to her. I feel that Clarke will of course want to be the savior and take him down. But Madi knows she is the one who should take him out once and for all. She was the victim in his cruel game. Octavia could take him down too and really redeem her past actions. But I feel like this particular role belongs to Madi because of the crazy relationship between her and the Commander. 

This leads me to Jordan. Poor Jordan. He went through so much these last two seasons. From living a simple life on the spaceship to facing chaos with his parent's best friends. I have two separate predictions for him. One: the Commander will now manipulate Jordan. I feel like the Commander could easily do this. Jordan is very vulnerable right now after everything that has happened. The Commander could use that to his advantage. Second, Jordan will end up depressed like Jasper, but probably not commit suicide. After everything Jordan has been exposed to, that can really fuck with someone's head. Especially, after never being around that type of environment. But I feel like he'll remember how his father Monty talked about Jasper. That'll be part of the reason he doesn't go through with it. Also, I feel like Jordan and Raven will bond over having losing people they loved. Here comes another prediction from this. 

Raven and Jordan will become a couple. Yes, I know this sounds weird because Jordan was born 20 something years before them. But he is around the same age as the rest of the crew physically. I feel like these two could really connect and have a romance. They'll have that bonding and work together to help stop the Commander as a team. Working so closely together and working well will bring on the feelings. I know we didn't see much of a relationship with them last season, but that could change in a matter of episodes. I do have a broken relationship prediction from this!
Bellamy and Echo will break up. These two have no chemistry in my opinion. Yes, they do have each other's backs and work well together, but so do Bellamy and Clarke. I don't feel like these two have romantic chemistry. I like that how they first met was that Echo had spit in Bellamy's face. You really didn't know then that these two would become a couple. I really still don't understand the relationship. In my opinion, I think they were only put together to cause more tension between Bellamy and Octavia in season 5. Also, almost everyone on The Ark was coupled except for Raven. So, also they were probably just lonely. It could've been Bellamy's way to move on after he thought Clarke was dead. But either way, I don't think this couple is meant to last. 
Clarke and Bellamy will briefly get together! As we all know, the director doesn't really care for putting Bellamy and Clarke together. He thinks they have a strong enough relationship without the romance. That's fine and dandy, but I think we will get a bittersweet moment of what we all want! I know that some fans don't want this relationship to overshadow Lexa and Clarke. But come on! They were not the best LGBT relationship. Also, Clarke deserves to move on and what better way than with the person she loves and trusts more than anyone? But I believe it will be short lived. I feel that Clarke and Bellamy will share an embrace before Clarke sacrifices herself to save everyone. So, we'll get what we want, but it'll be bittersweet. 


As I did state already I think Clarke will sacrifice herself to save everyone. She was a hero this past season and has started to redeem herself. But this will be the ultimate act for all of her past mistakes. Sacrificing herself so her friends can live on. 
Emori makes questionable choices and always has. This past season she mixed it up a bit. Emori started off with making a bad decision, but she loved her friends too much to continue with it. Emori has really shown how much she has changed and why she and John didn't fit together anymore. She's going to go down in a big way that'll make her death worthy.
Finally, Miller. Miller has slowly become an important character throughout the show. He went from being one of Bellamy's lapdogs to a protector of all. But regardless, I don't think Miller is still made out to be as important as some of the others. For this reason I think he may die protecting Jackson or someone else he loves. But I may be incorrect because one LGBT relationship in the show got thrown out due to Lexa's death. The fans may riot if the director does it again. But I feel that unlike Lexa, Miller would get a respectful and noble death if he does go down. It would be a chance to do it right.
I'm hoping there's not too many deaths. But almost every season a main character does get killed off. We can expect the same in the final season I'm sure. 

These are some of my predictions for the upcoming season! What are some of yours? I would really love to know so please leave your comments if you have any for me! 

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