Friday, March 27, 2020

My thoughts on the book and film After by: Anna Todd

I'm sure many of you have read or at least heard of the book After. This book was a huge hit on Wattpad which is a website where you can publish your own work and readers can check it out for free. This was originally written as a One Direction fanfiction book that of course was edited and produced into a different direction! Ha, get it? Because they changed...nevermind. Anyway, I read some of this book, but I never left a review or rated it on Goodreads, yet. But basically I didn't enjoy the book. Tessa started off as this independent bookworm. She pretty much had her life planned until Hardin came along and made her question everything. I was displeased that Tessa would fall for someone like Hardin. He played with her heart and emotionally abused her. But that's ok because he's a hot bad boy with tattoos and an accent, right? Not in my book. I honestly don't know why girls fantasize about guys like Hardin. Why can't the guy be nice? They have a messed up past and always want to take it out on the girl that wants to save them. Guys like this need to take responsibility for their own actions and feelings. I'm not a fan of books that make these girls look stupid! I felt sorry for Tessa because I know she was confused after venturing out to college and being on her own. But also, there are better guys out there than Hardin. I actually liked the trailer and previews that I saw for the movie though and decided to check it out. 
Surprisingly, I found the film to be better than the book. Hardin wasn't emotionally abusive. He challenged Tessa's mind which I liked. When Tessa found out about a secret he kept from her he seemed sincerely sorry. This Hardin was actually smart and caring. He didn't emotionally abuse Tessa and she didn't let him get the best of her. They both challenged each other and brought out the better parts of one another. Tessa questioned everything she thought she wanted when she got to know Hardin. She realized she didn't want the life her mother decided to build for her. Through Hardin she knew she wanted to major in English Business instead of Economics. She was never in love with her best friend Noah. I didn't like that it took Tessa so long to tell Noah about Hardin and that she cheated. But I understood why it was a hard process for her. Tessa was confused and didn't know if she still wanted the life that was already planned or the new life she was discovering. But through their relationship Tessa found herself. She even helped Hardin to open his heart to love. Hardin was able to finally love someone more than himself. The movie did have cheesy acting not from the actors of Hardin and Tessa, but from Molly and Jace. I was very satisfied that Tessa didn't throw herself at Hardin. She had standards for herself and she still did, but at a better degree by the end of the film. The movie gets a 6/10 from me. The book on the other hand would definitely be a 1/5. I didn't finish the book, but I did finish the movie and wish the book would've been more like the movie. 

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