Saturday, March 21, 2020

Magic of the Moonlight by: Ellen Schreiber book review & MORE

Hey, everyone! As some of you know I finally got married to my soulmate on Monday 03/16 and it was a fantastic day! I decided to reread the book that helped this day to happen. When I was reading Magic of the Moonlight, my husband got on his knees (he's very tall) just to look and see what I was reading. Three days later we got together for coffee and had an eight hour conversation. He even knew the author because he read a few of the Vampire Kisses books as did I! I had to reread this book before our big day and actually did not finish the last book. But now I plan to since I remember how much I liked the second book 7 seven years ago. Anyway, I would like to get on with the review!
In the sequel to this wolf tale Celeste faces even bigger obstacles. The boy she wants to be with is a werewolf. Not only that, but her ex Nash knows about it. Nash threatens to tell everyone that Brandon is a werewolf unless Celeste agrees not to see Brandon. Of course, Celeste doesn't want that to happen and Brandon agrees that they'll only see each other in secret. But the complications don't end there, unfortunately. Celeste's best friends Abby and Ivy are conflicted about Celeste even being friends with Brandon since he's from the other side. Abby is more open to it since Brandon saved her dog Pumpkin in the previous book. Ivy on the other hand doesn't want anything to change with the group. Ivy wants to keep the three best girlfriends date the three best guy friends the same. I don't see that happening especially with the way Dylan and Jake treat Abby and Ivy. They boss them around and expect them to do whatever they want. When Celeste finally tells her best friends that she's really dating Brandon, there's tension in the relationship. Abby had a feeling so she's not angry. Ivy was hoping Celeste would get back with Nash so bad that she didn't see it. As a result she's mad because she didn't know the latest dirty gossip. I don't like Ivy and I don't think she's a good friend. She was mad because she didn't know Celeste's secret. I know she was also hurt because Celeste thought Ivy would judge the relationship. But Celeste was not wrong to think that! Ivy talked garbage on Brandon and didn't even wanna give the guy a chance. Celeste had good reasons for not telling Ivy. I don't see their "friendship" surviving in the next book even though they did make up just because Celeste bought Ivy jewelry. After Celeste tells her best friends, Nash isn't very happy about it, but Celeste stands up to him. This action let's Nash finally confess his deep feelings for Celeste, but it's too late. Celeste did like Nash, but she never loved him and realized that they are not a good match. They were mostly together for the sake of their group friendship that they loved having. But Nash isn't entirely the same anymore either. Nash has been bitten and is now a werewolf himself just like Brandon. Celeste's life is now even more complicated because she has to find a way to help the love of her life and her ex who she still cares about. I have to say, I love the romance in these books. The romance is so sweet and innocent and I don't find many books like that anymore. In Ellen's books the couples kiss, hug, go on dates, etc. The romance is simple, but I can still feel it within the pages with the way she writes and I really enjoy that! I look forward to the conclusion to this trilogy!

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