Saturday, March 14, 2020

Regretting You by: Colleen Hoover Book Review!

I read this book on Kindle so I don't have a fancy photo this time, but I do plan to purchase this in paperback. This was a great book and probably my favorite from Hoover! We start off finding out that Morgan is pregnant with her boyfriend's baby, but she's in love with his best friend. Seventeen years into the future Morgan is happily married with Chris and raising their sixteen year old daughter Clara. Now that Clara is almost done with high school Morgan wants to find her calling. All she's ever known is being a stay at home mom because Chris provided plenty of money for them. When Jonah (the best friend Morgan was in love with) comes back, her world turns upside down. Morgan's sister Jenny had Jonah's baby so he decides to come back and do the rightful thing and marry Jenny. Those plans are shattered when Chris and Jenny get into an accident. But Jenny and Chris were supposed to be at work! With Jenny and Chris dead, Morgan and Jonah are left to put the puzzle pieces together of why Chris and Jenny were together. Jonah had said seventeen years ago that he thought they were all with the wrong people. Jonah may have been right. Clara is left to deal with it all and doesn't know what to do with her feelings. Clara gets together with Miller Adams during the whole ordeal which brings tension in the relationship between her and her mother. Morgan knows Miller's father who is in jail and he was always getting into trouble. After Clara makes some questionable choices Morgan blames Miller even though Miller didn't influence Morgan's decisions. Clara rebels harder when she sees her mother and Jonah kissing. She assumes they were having an affair the whole time while her father was still alive. Morgan has to make a choice of either telling Clara the whole truth and saving the relationship they have and risk Clara hating her father. Or she can let Clara believe what she's assuming and allow her daughter to have hatred for her instead. This book was so good I finished it in one day! I loved everyone's relationships with each other. No one was just around just for filler. Everyone easily connected with one another in some manner and I loved that! Also, Gramps was probably the best character and I wish I had seen more of him. The relationship between Gramps and Miller (his grandson) reminded me of the relationship my grandfather and I had. They were witty and playfully teased each other it was very well done. At one part in this book I almost started crying, but then I got angry. I don't think a book has ever done that to me in such a quick amount of time. The romances also were so damn good! I thought Miller and Clara were so good together and I think they will stay together like Miller thinks. Also, the relationship between Jonah and Morgan is so tense, but it's perfect for what happens later! I'm even more excited for Hoover's releases this year!

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