Wednesday, March 18, 2020

WWE Wrestlemania UPDATE

Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well during this crazy time. As you all know many events are getting cancelled left and right. Mulan's release is postponed, along with other Disney movie productions until further notice. Brightside, Frozen 2 has been released 3 months early on DisneyPlus due to schools being cancelled. Of course, I plan to watch it soon and give you all my thoughts. But I want to talk about something else today. Wrestlemania has not been postponed and I must say that I am very disappointed in everyone's decision on this. Here is the post from Instagram and I do credit WWE and all of it's superstars for sharing the information. 
A lot of places of unemployment are cancelling work for their employees due to safety reasons which I agree with. I do not agree with people acting crazy by purchasing tons of toilet paper and soap. I'm not happy with the way WWE is going about this along with the city officials who have been planning this. The city officials should've cancelled or postponed (preferably) the event before WWE had to make this decision. The city officials cancelled other events that were expected to take place, but they did nothing for the WWE superstars or the fans in the wake of this outbreak. They waited for the big bosses of the WWE to do something instead which in my opinion is unsatisfactory for many of us. Having Wrestlemania in the performance center will not be the same. Not only that, but many fans have gone to Facebook, Instagram, etc. to express just how angry and upset they are at this decision. This is the time that WWE should really listen to the fans and postpone the event in the best interest of their fans and superstars. Wrestlemania is the biggest event of the year where the fans come together to really enjoy the performances by WWE's superstars. For some people this is their very first Wrestlemania that they have been looking forward to for months! If the event is postponed, they could still potentially attend the event. If the event is held in the performance center it lacks so much hype and potential. I don't think many people will stream the event. If anything, WWE may lose many of it's subscribers. Honestly, I don't even want to watch RAW and SmackDown the way they are right now. As many of you know thier past few shows have been taped at the performance center with no live audience. I saw a few clips and it's just not the same without the audience. It's pretty boring and doesn't have the same level of excitement. Also, anyone can be carrying the virus and not know it. Some people don't even show any symptoms. This mean of course that any of the superstars could potentially be carrying this and pass it to the others. Should we still have Wrestlemania then? This needs to be postponed, I don't believe WWE is making the right decision and many others agree. Hopefully, this changes because I may not watch Wrestlemania if this is how it's going to be performed. WWE you better wake up and make a better decision because I believe this is really going to hurt the company. There's already a big money loss in having to refund the fans who have purchased tickets. If you think, that they are going to just livestream it and accept that, think again. If it were me, I would be devastated as a long time fan of this company. I have never been to a Wrestlemania (yet), but if I had to miss out on this possibly once in a lifetime opportunity to see such a great show, I would be heartbroken. I know that sounds over the top, but really it's not. It's like your parents saying they'll take you to Disneyworld and then you find out that you can't due to this outbreak. Which is also happening for many families because all the parks also closed down. I know this is a situation where it may get worse before it gets better. But I truly believe that it will be better if Wrestlemania is postponed. If it's not, I see a very bad future for WWE. 

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