
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Book Review
The Alchemist by: Paulo Coelho 4 stars
Writing Life
There's a lack of book reviews on my page and I apologize for that. Right now I'm currently reading the Chemist which I hope I can get through today if time allows me to do that. But I did come here with a bit of an update. Some of you don't know this about me, but I am also an author. I have written two novels, but I pulled them down from Amazon about a year ago. Neither of the books were content I typically liked to write and they flopped. I accepted it and I'm ok with that. It made me think I needed a break from writing until I found out what I really wanted to do. This time I want to write about something that I love writing about. With that said, I finally found that idea and I am so ready to write it. I'm going to be managing my blog at the same time and I think I'll be reading a little less. My reading goal this year is set for 120 books and I'm keeping it that way for the time being. At the same time I will not be focusing on the goal. I'm going to read when I want to. This blog may have more Disney posts during this time. Last night, a song inspired the story in my head. All of last night I could not stop thinking about it. The only thing I want to tell you is that it is vampire and Disney inspired! That's all I'm saying because unfortunately you can't trust the writing community too much anymore. That's sad to say because I would love to talk about this idea more because it's very exciting for me! The problem is that I don't have a publisher where I am contracted to write this. Plus, this idea is not out in the world yet so anyone can get their grubby paws on it. Some people even have writing as their career while I have a career aside from writing, a blog to manage, a family to care for, books to read, etc. You get where I'm going with this. This book could take me a long time to write due to all these other responsibilities I have along with it. Sure, I could neglect reading or my family, but that is absolutely not an option. That could give someone who is a full time writer the perfect opportunity to take this idea and run with it. I'm not taking that chance. Right now, the story is still in a brainstorming process, but I feel confident that it will happen. I say this because I have many story ideas that I would love to write, but have not. Some made a little progress, but I have not published a novel in four years. I have written short stories for anthologies which got chosen so I know I'm good with short stories. It's hard having the patience to write a full lengh novel, but I will be doing this and probably at a snail pace. Thank you for understand and I appreciate all the support!
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Vampire Novels Making a Comeback
Some of you may have noticed that vampire novels are back on the rise. We've had a few books to prove that such as The Beautiful by Renee Adieh and Blood Countess by Lana Lopovic. It has been over ten years since the release of Twilight. Twilight was the highlight of vampire novels that brought light to others such as Vampire Diaries. Other vampire based books released during this time such as Vampire Academy, House of Night, Morganville Vampires, and so many others. Right now there isn't that many, but if one of these novels becomes popular enough they will be making a comeback. This could be good and bad for the book community. Some creators really care about cashing in on good story topics when they can. Some of these ideas are successful, while with others you can tell they are just cash cows. Also, authors who already created a vampire series may "surprise" you with another book to the series. Or if the book contained a loved enough side character they can make another series featuring this character! Boom. Other authors may have been wanting to write a vampire novel and perhaps it was never the right moment. It could be lack of inspiration or the pulication company probably told them no. If the novels become big enough again the publisher will give them the green light to make this vampire story happen. I'm honestly hoping for mermaids to finally get a push in the mythical creatures area. I love vampires, but I feel like vampires and werewolves already had their shot multiple times throughout history. Can another creature like a mermaid or even a fairy get a chance? I hope a novel about mermaids eventually becomes even bigger than vampire novels and I'm sure it will happen one day. Just my thoughts on vampires very possibly making another highlight in the book community.
Draft Kings $5000 Pool Prize
I don't know how many of you ever heard of Draft Kings, but it's basically just gambling in sports. When I received an email from them a few days ago it was the first I heard of them. They are doing a Royal Rumble competition where you can win a prize of $5000. But here's the catch. If you have the highest score and so does someone else or however many there are, you all will be splitting it. A good part about it, you do not have to pay to play this one! Yay! Of course, I'm participating. I already love to make predictions in WWE PPV's so this is definitely my speed. I'm going to explain a little more about how it works and I will leave a link if you want to participate as well! So, I'm going to go over the points system and also let you know my picks based on this point system. Please pay careful attention to one of these and it could really help your chances in the betting if you choose to do this and if I'm correct. Also, the betting will close in about 5 hours from when I post this so hop on it soon if you're interested! And until it closes you can change your choices, but once it's closed your picks are locked in!
50 points If a Superstar Enters the ring for the Rumble.
So, it doesn't matter if this superstar is scheduled to be in it, they MUST enter the ring. They can not stay outside the ring, they have to go in. If I were you, I wouldn't pick anyone that is known for doing this.
250 points If a Superstar is the 1st to enter the Royal Rumble ring.
Again, they have to enter the ring. Also, for the men's, Brock Lesnar is scheduled to be the 1st man in. Even if he doesn't, he could get you points for a few other betting challenges.
250 points If a superstar is the 30th to enter the ring.
Once again, they need to enter the ring. If they don't and decide they're backing out, no points here. Choose wisely.
200 points If a superstar has the shortest amount of time.
This one can be fairly easy. For the womens usually a superstar that comes back just for this match gets elimated pretty quickly. BUT, do not pick a Bella if it's an option. They last for awhile. For the men, they try to elimate the bigget guy like Big Show or Kane first. It doesn't always work. Or a little guy goes right out pretty easily if someone bigger does it.
400 points If a superstar lasts the longest amount of time.
This is a little trickier because almost every year WWE picks a new person to do this. So, I would go for someone who perhaps is getting a bit of a push at the moment. Or even the person you think will win the match.
500 points If a superstar eliminates the most opponents.
This one is even trickier because it's anybody's game when it comes to this one. Sometimes the same person does it, sometimes they don't.
Finally, the biggest one is 600 points for whoever wins the whole match out of 29 others!
It's honestly anyones game in this type of match. We've had surprise wins and predictable ones throughout the history of the Royal Rumble. So, this is all up to you!
My Top Picks. So, you get to pick SIX superstars based on all these points here. Only SIX so you need to pick wisely. Who for sure if going to be in the Rumble? Are they going to even enter the ring? The biggest pick of all will be your winner who will give you the most amount of points. But if that's the only area you succeed in, you're not getting the prize, most likely.
For the men's I picked based on the first entrant. I also picked at least three I think that might win, one that will last the longest, and one that will have the most eliminations! I feel quite confident in my answers which are Braun Strowman, Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, and Brock Lesnar.
For the women's I picked four potential winners, someone who will last the longest, and someone who will get the most eliminations. I feel like my other winner picks will give me big points in other areas if they do not win. Two of these picks are not guaranteed to be in the Rumble so I am taking a risk. But I believe this risk is a good one to make which is an NXT pick. No one in women's from NXT has been put in, but we all know it'll happen. Also, one of my picks may finally be returning! Here are my women picks Alexa Bliss, Rhea Ripley, Natalya, Nikki Cross, Charlotte Flair, and Nia Jax.
There you have it! I will leave a link to this so if you wanna participate you can. If you do, best of luck!
50 points If a Superstar Enters the ring for the Rumble.
So, it doesn't matter if this superstar is scheduled to be in it, they MUST enter the ring. They can not stay outside the ring, they have to go in. If I were you, I wouldn't pick anyone that is known for doing this.
250 points If a Superstar is the 1st to enter the Royal Rumble ring.
Again, they have to enter the ring. Also, for the men's, Brock Lesnar is scheduled to be the 1st man in. Even if he doesn't, he could get you points for a few other betting challenges.
250 points If a superstar is the 30th to enter the ring.
Once again, they need to enter the ring. If they don't and decide they're backing out, no points here. Choose wisely.
200 points If a superstar has the shortest amount of time.
This one can be fairly easy. For the womens usually a superstar that comes back just for this match gets elimated pretty quickly. BUT, do not pick a Bella if it's an option. They last for awhile. For the men, they try to elimate the bigget guy like Big Show or Kane first. It doesn't always work. Or a little guy goes right out pretty easily if someone bigger does it.
400 points If a superstar lasts the longest amount of time.
This is a little trickier because almost every year WWE picks a new person to do this. So, I would go for someone who perhaps is getting a bit of a push at the moment. Or even the person you think will win the match.
500 points If a superstar eliminates the most opponents.
This one is even trickier because it's anybody's game when it comes to this one. Sometimes the same person does it, sometimes they don't.
Finally, the biggest one is 600 points for whoever wins the whole match out of 29 others!
It's honestly anyones game in this type of match. We've had surprise wins and predictable ones throughout the history of the Royal Rumble. So, this is all up to you!
My Top Picks. So, you get to pick SIX superstars based on all these points here. Only SIX so you need to pick wisely. Who for sure if going to be in the Rumble? Are they going to even enter the ring? The biggest pick of all will be your winner who will give you the most amount of points. But if that's the only area you succeed in, you're not getting the prize, most likely.
For the men's I picked based on the first entrant. I also picked at least three I think that might win, one that will last the longest, and one that will have the most eliminations! I feel quite confident in my answers which are Braun Strowman, Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, and Brock Lesnar.
For the women's I picked four potential winners, someone who will last the longest, and someone who will get the most eliminations. I feel like my other winner picks will give me big points in other areas if they do not win. Two of these picks are not guaranteed to be in the Rumble so I am taking a risk. But I believe this risk is a good one to make which is an NXT pick. No one in women's from NXT has been put in, but we all know it'll happen. Also, one of my picks may finally be returning! Here are my women picks Alexa Bliss, Rhea Ripley, Natalya, Nikki Cross, Charlotte Flair, and Nia Jax.
There you have it! I will leave a link to this so if you wanna participate you can. If you do, best of luck!
Friday, January 24, 2020
WWE Royal Rumble Predictions
Hello everyone! I know I've been away for a bit, but I'm still here I promise. I do have a job aside from this so I won't be posting as often as I'd like, but there will be at least 2-3 a week! Anyway, you'll notice this is a different kind of blog post. I did say that this would be mainly Disney and books which is true. But if I want to throw something random in I am also going to do that. WWE is another interest of mine outside of Disney and books. I will sometimes blog about an upcoming PPV. But probably only the best ones. So, now that that's out of the way, here is my blog on my predictions for the WWE PPV Royal Rumble! It is the biggest event next to Wrestlemania and my favorite one. I love to see a bunch of people get in the ring just beat the crap out of each other for an hour! No, I'm dead serious. I take a PTO for this shit that's how much I love it! The PPV is on Sunday January 26th 2020 kickstart time at 5 p.m. and then the main show starts at 7 p.m. Eastern time. If memory serves me correct, the event usually runs until 12 a.m. so remember to be prepared to sit on that sofa for awhile and your bathroom breaks better be no more than five minutes. Anyway, here we go with my predicitions for this PPV!
Fiend vs. Daniel Bryan Strap Match for the Universal Championship: The Fiend! I say this because The Fiend and Daniel Bryan just got back into their feud not that long ago with Bryan returning. I feel like the feud between them will go on into Wrestlemania. Kane has been added to the mix appearing to be on Bryan's side, but he could always go to The Fiend's side of course. Or he'll help Bryan and maybe Kane and The Fiend will face off at Wrestlemania. This of course will lead to a monster vs. monster type of match which I would love to see! The Fiend is one of the best characters already that WWE has ever had. He is the new monster and Kane is the old one. Who would prevail?
Andrade vs. Humberto for the U.S Championship: Andrade! I honestly don't have much to say on this one. But I feel like Andrade will get a big push pretty soon. Maybe not now so I think he'll keep the title for the time being.
Becky Lynch vs. Asuka for the Women's Championship: Asuka! Now everyone thinks Becky Lynch will win and face off with Charlotte at Mania and I can understand why. But we have already seen these two square off so much! I'm hoping it's not true. I want something different. I feel like Asuka will win, Becky will enter the women's rumble as number 30 and win to try and reclaim her title at mania. This is just a prediction for this match and will not reflect my thoughts for the RR winner for the womens.
Sheamus vs. Shorty G: Shorty G! Shorty is constantly made out to be the big underdog. This time though he is showing that he's not. Shorty defeating Sheamus would be good step in the right direction for Shorty G. I don't think he'll ever be a Universal champion, but now that he's solo he can try for other titles such as intercontinental. He can be part of other events and I hope WWE does give him at least a nudge.
Bayley vs. Lacey Evans for the Womens Championship: Bayley! I believe Bayley will head into Wrestlemania as a champion. But Sasha Banks will try to sabotage the match so Bayley loses and Banks can have a shot. Her plan will fail setting up Bayley to win and it'll turn into a triple threat match for Mania. Lacey vs. Bayley vs. Sasha for the women's championship! Of course it won't be that simple. Something will happen in the upcoming PPV after RR, Elimation Chamber to ensure that this happens.
Women's Royal Rumble: Alexa Bliss! So, Alexa and Nikki Cross have been besties for awhile now. Probably the longest friendship Bliss has had on WWE. Bliss has been known to backstab all of her friends at some point. I don't think this will be any different pretty soon. I think it will come down to Bliss and Cross and Bliss will win it. But Nikki will find a way to be a part of the match at WrestleMania to get revenge on Bliss. Plus, I love Alexa Bliss so I'm bias towards her.
Fiend vs. Daniel Bryan Strap Match for the Universal Championship: The Fiend! I say this because The Fiend and Daniel Bryan just got back into their feud not that long ago with Bryan returning. I feel like the feud between them will go on into Wrestlemania. Kane has been added to the mix appearing to be on Bryan's side, but he could always go to The Fiend's side of course. Or he'll help Bryan and maybe Kane and The Fiend will face off at Wrestlemania. This of course will lead to a monster vs. monster type of match which I would love to see! The Fiend is one of the best characters already that WWE has ever had. He is the new monster and Kane is the old one. Who would prevail?
Andrade vs. Humberto for the U.S Championship: Andrade! I honestly don't have much to say on this one. But I feel like Andrade will get a big push pretty soon. Maybe not now so I think he'll keep the title for the time being.
Becky Lynch vs. Asuka for the Women's Championship: Asuka! Now everyone thinks Becky Lynch will win and face off with Charlotte at Mania and I can understand why. But we have already seen these two square off so much! I'm hoping it's not true. I want something different. I feel like Asuka will win, Becky will enter the women's rumble as number 30 and win to try and reclaim her title at mania. This is just a prediction for this match and will not reflect my thoughts for the RR winner for the womens.
Sheamus vs. Shorty G: Shorty G! Shorty is constantly made out to be the big underdog. This time though he is showing that he's not. Shorty defeating Sheamus would be good step in the right direction for Shorty G. I don't think he'll ever be a Universal champion, but now that he's solo he can try for other titles such as intercontinental. He can be part of other events and I hope WWE does give him at least a nudge.
Bayley vs. Lacey Evans for the Womens Championship: Bayley! I believe Bayley will head into Wrestlemania as a champion. But Sasha Banks will try to sabotage the match so Bayley loses and Banks can have a shot. Her plan will fail setting up Bayley to win and it'll turn into a triple threat match for Mania. Lacey vs. Bayley vs. Sasha for the women's championship! Of course it won't be that simple. Something will happen in the upcoming PPV after RR, Elimation Chamber to ensure that this happens.
Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin in a Falls Count Anywhere match: Roman Reigns! Originally, I was going to pick Corbin, but as I was typing, a new theory popped into my head that makes more sense! I think Corbin will get beat down so bad that he can not compete due to "injury". A surprise entrant will take his place in the men's Royal Rumble. Reigns will still be able to compete and possibly win the Rumble. Hopefully not because that's just too predictable. More on that next though.
Men's Royal Rumble: Edge! Now I know this pick of mine is crazy, insane, blah blah blah. But there is a rumor that he will be returning. I know WWE doesn't make superstars like Edge big winners anymore. But Edge is good enough to have this win. He's won many titles during his time in the business. Edge is sneaky, traitorous, and just a damn good wrestler. I feel like he has been really building up towards this comeback and if he does return it's not going to be just to be in this match. He is going to make his mark like he always does and win it all. Also, since Brock Lesnar is the first entrant I think he's going to throw out the first couple of contenders and the match may not last as long as it usually does. That is one of my big feats. This match is a big deal and quite frankly I wish Lesnar would fuck off of it! I'm not sure how many people still like him, but I can't stand the guy. He hardly wrestles and gets whatever he wants. Hopefully, winning this match isn't one of them. A lot of fans think Roman will win to face off with Rollins at
Mania and I wouldn't care for that match. Plus, Reigns seems to be on a different path with the business and I don't see that changing right now.
Women's Royal Rumble: Alexa Bliss! So, Alexa and Nikki Cross have been besties for awhile now. Probably the longest friendship Bliss has had on WWE. Bliss has been known to backstab all of her friends at some point. I don't think this will be any different pretty soon. I think it will come down to Bliss and Cross and Bliss will win it. But Nikki will find a way to be a part of the match at WrestleMania to get revenge on Bliss. Plus, I love Alexa Bliss so I'm bias towards her.
There you have it! Stay tuned. I will be posting a follow-up to this. One will be a ProWrestling Scorecard prediction with more stipulations involved. Then there will be a post on my right/wrong predictions and a follow-up to the Scorecard as well!
Monday, January 20, 2020
Upcoming Disney Live Actions!
As many of us Disney fans know, there have been more and more live actions as the years go by. We've had Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book, just to name a few. But Disney isn't stopping with these live actions! I noticed that the dolls for live actions don't sell as well. That doesn't mean the movies aren't doing well though. Disney fans are still rushing out to see if the live actions are better or worse than our beloved animations. We have some live actions to look forward to that are releasing soon or are in the works!
Mulan release date March 27, 2020
I want to be excited for this film, but I'm not as excited as I hoped I would be for a few certain changes. Apparently, there will be no singing. There will be some music such as instrumentals, but the cast won't be singing. Mushu is not going to be in the film so, no dragon. Instead, he is going to be a phoenix and a she not a he. Now this really bothers me because I think it's very cliché. Disney has been on a woman power kick which I am all for, but do we need to keep using the phoenix symbol? There's going to be a female witch for Mulan to face off with. The whole point of Mulan going into the army was to honor her father and kick the other men's asses! She's a hero for defeating Shan Yu! Her going up against another female is kind of insulting. I don't care if it's an all powerful witch that is stronger due to her powers. Mulan fights with the boys and bests them! This movie is talking about going to the roots of Mulan which I do like. I'm happy we have a proper casting for this film. I have really liked Disney's live actions so far, but Mulan could be the one to let me down and I hate to say that. Mulan is one of my top favorite Disney princesses (she is listed as a princess for her bravery, look it up if you want) and I don't want this movie to let me down. But I will see it of course and judge it more so at that point.
Cruella 12/23/20
We're finally getting another Disney live action representing a villain! Emma Stone has been casted to play the dog murdering villain. I really do like Emma Stone and I think she will be great in this role. Cruella is actually one of my least favorite villains because she targets dogs as her victims just so she can have nice fur coats. What a cunt! I'm not sure how much potential this film has though because when you think of Disney villains I don't think Cruella is one of the top ones that come to mind. But perhaps this backstory film can help with that!
Peter Pan TBA
Recently, Peter Pan was announced to be in the works! Instead of it's original title, it will be called Peter Pan and Wendy. Peter Pan has been made into a live action a few times already so, I wonder what this one will bring to the table. No casting has been announced. Word is that production will start in Spring!
Tink TBA
I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm guessing this will be a backstory on our beloved fairy. Reese Witherspoon is set to play the role which I'm skeptical about. I like Witherspoon, but I do agree she may be too old for this type of role. I'm excited though to see Tink's backstory and hopefully how she became Peter Pan's faithful fairy sidekick!
The Little Mermaid TBA
I adore The Little Mermaid and Eric is probably my favorite Disney prince so this is an exciting one for many of us! There was a bit of an uproar when a black actress (Halle Bailey) was casted to play Ariel. We had a black Cinderella, but this was back when we didn't have social media. I don't hear anyone complaining about that so with that said, why not a black Ariel? Just because she's black doesn't mean she can't act! We can still have our redheaded princess and I hope they do make her a redhead. Plus, I heard this girl can sing! Bring it on!
Rose Red (Snow White) TBD
Snow White is my least favorite princess. But I'm actually excited about this film from what I heard. Apparently Rose Red works with the dwarves to bring Snow back to life after she eats the poison apple. I already love this because it involves sisterly love and we only have Frozen as a representation of that. Yes, Ariel has sisters, but we hardly see the sisterly love from them. Also, Snow doesn't need no man to bring her back to life. This girl needs TRUE love. A guy you had one encounter with is not your true love, sorry. Not saying that the sister is her true love either, obviously. But their love is true and powerful enough to bring back Snow. I really hope this is the direction the film will go in. Keep in mind this is just what I heard and I hope it's true.
There are a bunch of others in the works, but none are closer to production or releasing as the ones listed so far. I just wanted to share my opinion on these few. I look forward to seeing what Disney has planned for these next live actions!
Mulan release date March 27, 2020
I want to be excited for this film, but I'm not as excited as I hoped I would be for a few certain changes. Apparently, there will be no singing. There will be some music such as instrumentals, but the cast won't be singing. Mushu is not going to be in the film so, no dragon. Instead, he is going to be a phoenix and a she not a he. Now this really bothers me because I think it's very cliché. Disney has been on a woman power kick which I am all for, but do we need to keep using the phoenix symbol? There's going to be a female witch for Mulan to face off with. The whole point of Mulan going into the army was to honor her father and kick the other men's asses! She's a hero for defeating Shan Yu! Her going up against another female is kind of insulting. I don't care if it's an all powerful witch that is stronger due to her powers. Mulan fights with the boys and bests them! This movie is talking about going to the roots of Mulan which I do like. I'm happy we have a proper casting for this film. I have really liked Disney's live actions so far, but Mulan could be the one to let me down and I hate to say that. Mulan is one of my top favorite Disney princesses (she is listed as a princess for her bravery, look it up if you want) and I don't want this movie to let me down. But I will see it of course and judge it more so at that point.
Cruella 12/23/20
We're finally getting another Disney live action representing a villain! Emma Stone has been casted to play the dog murdering villain. I really do like Emma Stone and I think she will be great in this role. Cruella is actually one of my least favorite villains because she targets dogs as her victims just so she can have nice fur coats. What a cunt! I'm not sure how much potential this film has though because when you think of Disney villains I don't think Cruella is one of the top ones that come to mind. But perhaps this backstory film can help with that!
Peter Pan TBA
Recently, Peter Pan was announced to be in the works! Instead of it's original title, it will be called Peter Pan and Wendy. Peter Pan has been made into a live action a few times already so, I wonder what this one will bring to the table. No casting has been announced. Word is that production will start in Spring!
Tink TBA
I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm guessing this will be a backstory on our beloved fairy. Reese Witherspoon is set to play the role which I'm skeptical about. I like Witherspoon, but I do agree she may be too old for this type of role. I'm excited though to see Tink's backstory and hopefully how she became Peter Pan's faithful fairy sidekick!
The Little Mermaid TBA
I adore The Little Mermaid and Eric is probably my favorite Disney prince so this is an exciting one for many of us! There was a bit of an uproar when a black actress (Halle Bailey) was casted to play Ariel. We had a black Cinderella, but this was back when we didn't have social media. I don't hear anyone complaining about that so with that said, why not a black Ariel? Just because she's black doesn't mean she can't act! We can still have our redheaded princess and I hope they do make her a redhead. Plus, I heard this girl can sing! Bring it on!
Rose Red (Snow White) TBD
Snow White is my least favorite princess. But I'm actually excited about this film from what I heard. Apparently Rose Red works with the dwarves to bring Snow back to life after she eats the poison apple. I already love this because it involves sisterly love and we only have Frozen as a representation of that. Yes, Ariel has sisters, but we hardly see the sisterly love from them. Also, Snow doesn't need no man to bring her back to life. This girl needs TRUE love. A guy you had one encounter with is not your true love, sorry. Not saying that the sister is her true love either, obviously. But their love is true and powerful enough to bring back Snow. I really hope this is the direction the film will go in. Keep in mind this is just what I heard and I hope it's true.
There are a bunch of others in the works, but none are closer to production or releasing as the ones listed so far. I just wanted to share my opinion on these few. I look forward to seeing what Disney has planned for these next live actions!
Walt Life Subscription Experience
For awhile I have been wanting to try a Disney subscription box because I obviously, love Disney! I have done other subscription boxes before that weren't Disney. I've done Japancrate, Doki Doki, and Snackbox and I recommend them all! Before I subscribed to a Disney box I did some research. Walt Life and the Disney Princess Box appealed to me the most. Disney Princess appealed to me because I adore the princesses and you would get a new one every month! For your first box you could choose one of three princesses that you want. I had the choice of Belle, Cinderella, or Tiana at the time I was looking into it. What stopped me was that it is geared more towards little girls who aren't above the age of eight. Nothing wrong with that, but one of the items is a princess dress which I obviously couldn't wear. Also, I don't have kids and my niece isn't really into princesses as much as other kid themed shows. I looked at reviews for both and they all seemed promising! Walt Life is a more random box where items are just picked for you. With Walt Life you get to tell them a few things about yourself so they can gear it to you personally. But just with any box you don't get to pick exactly what you like and or want. The fun of it, is the surprises packed inside! I went with Walt Life because it was the better deal. The box is about $80, but you can get a discount on the first box you order. I got a Christmas discount and it came to about $60. Now, I did go with the most expensive box. There's a few to choose from, but I wanted the biggest one because of the items it would contain. You can choose from the Surprise Box which is great if you're planning a Disney trip! There's Classic box if you're not looking to spend a lot it's the lowest one being only $30 and comes with three random items. There's a few others that are mid price range such as Magic box, Snack box, Magic Plus box. The box I got was Kingdom box which is the most expensive. Kingdom box comes with 3 Disney parks items and 3 random Disney items. I have a few pictures of the items I got from the box below! My favorite was definitely the Rapunzel ornament! Out of 5 stars for that box I'd give it a two which is okay. I felt like the box didn't add up cost wise for the items I received. A funko goes for like $5 anymore, you can resell an ornament like the Tinkerbell one for dirt cheap. I also got a Mary Poppins pin and I'm not a fan, but found out the pin goes for $10 on EBay. A tsum goes for as low as $3 and are so easy to get. The most expensive item I got was the Rapunzel ornament which was $16.95. So I didn't hate it, but the problem is that it's not even close to worth the price. There was also a little problem that happened. The subscription renewed and I forgot to cancel. I realize that was my mistake and I got charged. I really didn't want a second box, I tried it and didn't like it as much as I thought I would. I contacted Walt Life support in less than 24 hours from when the charge happened and let them know I didn't want the second box. I told them I would appreciate it if the charge could be removed. I got an email back saying that my box already shipped and they hoped I would enjoy it, if not I could send it back. Now, when they ship boxes you will receive an email saying it shipped. I had not received the confirmation. I contacted them the 12th of December. They replied within 24 hours so I responded and said that I did not get a confirmation that it shipped so, it shouldn't be an issue to just remove the charge. I got no response back for a few days so, I contacted them back a few more times asking them to remove the charge and making it clear I didn't want the box. December 18th comes and I get an email saying the box has shipped and still no response to my previous emails. They replied the next day after my box "shipped" saying they basically couldn't help and they were so "busy" because it's the holidays. Really? You could respond to my first email in 24 hours. But as soon as I call you out on your lies you take a whole week? Not buying it. Since I am in good financial standing, I decided I'll take the box no big deal. I do love Disney and maybe this second box will be better. Well, I hate to say it, but it wasn't. This time I was even more disappointed because I paid for items I didn't want in the first place. This surprise box confirmed that. A few things I got were a scarf featuring one of Disney's shops, Minnie Mouse ears, Nightmare Before Christmas pin, just to name a few. I'm not a huge fan of any of these and once again the items didn't match the box price. Maybe about half the price. I am seeing the brighter side and have packed the items in a box to give to my Disney loving best friend. I really wish Walt Life had better customer service and that their boxes made me feel as happy as some Disney lovers. But they really fell short on that. I know that Walt Life is not affiliated with Disney so this isn't Disney's problem. Walt Life has just shown me how greedy they are about their business. That is not a business I wanna throw my money at. All I can really say is,I hope they do better in the future. Also, if you love them for whatever reason I'm genuinely happy for you. You had a better experience than I did and you can enjoy this box. This is just my bad experience with the company. They literally had two chances to show me what they got, and they failed to deliver. Thanks for "trying" anyway Walt Life.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Upcoming YA Horror on Elizabeth Bathory
Elizabeth Bathory is my favorite serial killer of all time. I don't really have a list, but if I did she would be number one for sure! So, when I found out there was going to be a YA horror novel based on her I was estastic! Elizabeth Bathory had killed and or tortured at least 650 people if not more which was noted during her trial. 300 witnesses gave their statements on the cruel ways of this woman. She would keep girls as her slaves and she would torture them to death. She didn't just commit the murders or tortures in one way, she had many. She would burn them with tongs, beat them, starve them to death, bite off pieces of their flesh and eat them, etc. The girls were between the ages of 10-14. There was even a suspicion that she would bathe in the blood of virgins to maintain her youth. But this is something that was never fully proven to be true. Given all the facts, I could absolutely believe she did something of that nature. If she could eat her victims, why wouldn't she bathe in their blood too? This also makes her one of the first vampires in history for the way she tortured her victims. Bathory was arrested for her crimes along with four other servants who aided her. In most cases back in 1600s you would executed for such terrible crimes! But Bathory was confined to her castle in 1611 instead of being killed due to her high status and a huge debt owed to her. Her servants on the otherhand who assisted her were executed. She died in 1614 at the age of 54 in her castle. This tale is very intriguing to me because she really went far to make these victims suffer. All to keep herself looking and feeling young. Talk about crazy, or perhaps genius? This woman did live until she was 54. Back in the 1600s the average life expectancy was only 35 years! Did she know something we all don't perhaps? Maybe she had the right idea, or she was a crazy serial killer. Anyway, here is summary and book cover of the book Blood Countess by: Lana Popović based on Elizabeth Bathory! It currently has a 3.79 average on Goodreads from early reviewers which is fairly good. It puts the book in that space where you will like it or maybe not, but it's still a good book either way.
Blood Countess
A historical YA horror novel based on the infamous real-life inspiration for Countess Dracula
In 16th century Hungary, Anna Darvulia has just begun working as a scullery maid for the young and glamorous Countess Elizabeth Báthory. When Elizabeth takes a liking to Anna, she’s vaulted to the dream role of chambermaid, a far cry from the filthy servants’ quarters below. She receives wages generous enough to provide for her family, and the Countess begins to groom Anna as her friend and confidante. It’s not long before Anna falls completely under the Countess’s spell—and the Countess takes full advantage. Isolated from her former friends, family, and fiancé, Anna realizes she’s not a friend but a prisoner of the increasingly cruel Elizabeth. Then come the murders, and Anna knows it’s only a matter of time before the Blood Countess turns on her, too.
Blood Countess
A historical YA horror novel based on the infamous real-life inspiration for Countess Dracula
In 16th century Hungary, Anna Darvulia has just begun working as a scullery maid for the young and glamorous Countess Elizabeth Báthory. When Elizabeth takes a liking to Anna, she’s vaulted to the dream role of chambermaid, a far cry from the filthy servants’ quarters below. She receives wages generous enough to provide for her family, and the Countess begins to groom Anna as her friend and confidante. It’s not long before Anna falls completely under the Countess’s spell—and the Countess takes full advantage. Isolated from her former friends, family, and fiancé, Anna realizes she’s not a friend but a prisoner of the increasingly cruel Elizabeth. Then come the murders, and Anna knows it’s only a matter of time before the Blood Countess turns on her, too.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Indie Author Colleen Hoover and some Big News!
I know my most recent post was about Colleen Hoover, but I'm going to talk about her some more anyway because I simply can! I just found out some exciting news from her Instagram so stay tuned if you wanna find out. Colleen is my favorite contemporary romance author! Even though I don't always like the romances from her books I can not deny the talent this women has. Her stories just reel you in like a fisherman trying to catch the biggest fish he can. And I am the fish that sees that big juicy worm, not the hook. But then once that hook is in, it will not let go. Some of my favorite books from Colleen are Verity which is her only thriller, It Ends With Us, and Without Merit. The only two I haven't enjoyed was Finding Cinderella which was a short story she wrote. I thought Never Never was only okay. The first book I really enjoyed then it went down hill in books 2 and 3 for me. Regardless, of those two she has wrote some great books that I had the pleasure of reading. Besides the writing, Colleen is just an awesome person in general. I haven't gotten to meet this wonderful lady yet, but online she is so fun and silly I really believe she is being her true self. She makes me crack up with her weird stories and amazing personality. Also, anyone who has gotten to meet her has said nothing, but nice words about Colleen. If you follow Colleen on any social media platform you also know she has amazing giveaways! So, she's also a very giving person. She never just picks just one winner either. It's usually anywhere from 10-100 yes, this is very true. I'm not sure who doesn't like Colleen, but I find it hard to believe if you do. She's a great writer, funny, sweet, and giving! Now onto some big news! Colleen
recently released another contemporary romance Regretting You and before the release said she had been thinking about writing another genre. She did this when she wrote Verity so we already know that it's not a thriller. And of course she's famous for her contemporary romance works so that's definitely not it either. Well, I have photo proof that it is a paranormal romance and I couldn't be more excited! Paranormal Romance is one of my favorite genres in books so this makes me pretty damn happy to hear it. I'm really hoping for it to be about vampires or mermaids or even both! Someone like Colleen writing in this genre could even get it back up and running like in the Twilight days. I admit I was a sucker for Twilight (HA get it sucker? I kill myself), but who wasn't. Since Twilight and Vampire Diaries I have been waiting for the day where paranormal romance could make a big comeback. It has been over 10 years and I think it's time. I truly believe an author like Colleen will make this happen and I am so ready and here for it!
recently released another contemporary romance Regretting You and before the release said she had been thinking about writing another genre. She did this when she wrote Verity so we already know that it's not a thriller. And of course she's famous for her contemporary romance works so that's definitely not it either. Well, I have photo proof that it is a paranormal romance and I couldn't be more excited! Paranormal Romance is one of my favorite genres in books so this makes me pretty damn happy to hear it. I'm really hoping for it to be about vampires or mermaids or even both! Someone like Colleen writing in this genre could even get it back up and running like in the Twilight days. I admit I was a sucker for Twilight (HA get it sucker? I kill myself), but who wasn't. Since Twilight and Vampire Diaries I have been waiting for the day where paranormal romance could make a big comeback. It has been over 10 years and I think it's time. I truly believe an author like Colleen will make this happen and I am so ready and here for it!
Ugly Love by: Colleen Hoover Book Review
I'm here with my first ever book review! This is the most recent book I have finished reading, Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. You haven't heard of Colleen Hoover? I recommend reading Verity then if you'd like to start and you'll see how good she is. I hardly ever read contemporary romance, but I have to make an exception when it comes to Colleen she is an excellent author! I've read almost all of her books and out of all of them there were two I didn't like and I liked the other 7. Anyway, moving on to my review of Ugly Love!
Ugly Love by: Colleen Hoover 4 stars
This is another one of those books by Colleen Hoover that made me want to keep reading more because she's such an excellent writer. But also I didn't completely love the story either due to another set of characters who somehow fell in love and I'm questioning how and why, but for a very good reason. Miles is Tate's brother's friend who she is very attracted to physically and same goes for Miles. I like Tate because she does have standards and is quite independent. Even though she lives with her brother temporarily her goal is to eventually get her own place and she never strays from doing that for anyone! Miles is hard to like, because it's hard to know him. But we do see more of him from his past, but at the same time I feel like we still didn't know much about him. When we dive into Miles tragic past with his first love we just find out how Miles and Rachel's love became ugly when it was once so beautiful. The story is set six years later from when Miles and Rachel parted ways and since then Miles has not had any type of intimate reaction with anyone. But when he meets Tate that all changes and he wants to have a fuck buddy. Tate agrees to it and thinks it'll be easy because Miles and Tate aren't friends and even had an awkward first meeting. Miles has two rules which are never ask about his past and don't expect a future. I think those are great rules if you're going to just fuck. But Tate starts to fall for Miles and as time goes on he does see that. But Miles constantly puts his foot down and doesn't try to push the relationship further. Now, these two for the most part just work at their jobs and fuck each other. They don't try to get to know each other or develop a relationship outside of sex. But Tate does push it because she sees Miles is falling for her too. I honestly didn't understand why. I get that their sex was fantastic for the both of them, but they still hardly knew each other and yet were falling for one another. Miles had this wall constantly put up against everyone, but Tate kept chipping away at it. Tate proved that she could handle Miles and whatever his past is. But Miles always pushed her away. In order to move forward with Tate he has to confront his past and put his mind at ease. I thought this story was great and Colleen is such a fantastic writer she hardly ever disappoints me with her work. I just wish the relationships between characters were a bit more believable. I feel like the biggest thing that connected Tate and Miles was the sex which is probably true. But I wish I could see a deeper connection between the characters. Miles did start opening up to Tate, but it was only a start and I wanted to see more of these two building their relationship on a higher level than sex.
So, if you've read this story what are your thoughts? Trust me I love Colleen and her writing, but unfortunately I feel like the chemistry for the characters is missed sometimes. I will sit down reading one of her books and not want to put it down. This one was no exception! Colleen tells great stories and that's what author's do. I can't wait to read more of her books in the future. I still need to read Slammed, Confess, and Regretting You and I look forward to it!
Ugly Love by: Colleen Hoover 4 stars
This is another one of those books by Colleen Hoover that made me want to keep reading more because she's such an excellent writer. But also I didn't completely love the story either due to another set of characters who somehow fell in love and I'm questioning how and why, but for a very good reason. Miles is Tate's brother's friend who she is very attracted to physically and same goes for Miles. I like Tate because she does have standards and is quite independent. Even though she lives with her brother temporarily her goal is to eventually get her own place and she never strays from doing that for anyone! Miles is hard to like, because it's hard to know him. But we do see more of him from his past, but at the same time I feel like we still didn't know much about him. When we dive into Miles tragic past with his first love we just find out how Miles and Rachel's love became ugly when it was once so beautiful. The story is set six years later from when Miles and Rachel parted ways and since then Miles has not had any type of intimate reaction with anyone. But when he meets Tate that all changes and he wants to have a fuck buddy. Tate agrees to it and thinks it'll be easy because Miles and Tate aren't friends and even had an awkward first meeting. Miles has two rules which are never ask about his past and don't expect a future. I think those are great rules if you're going to just fuck. But Tate starts to fall for Miles and as time goes on he does see that. But Miles constantly puts his foot down and doesn't try to push the relationship further. Now, these two for the most part just work at their jobs and fuck each other. They don't try to get to know each other or develop a relationship outside of sex. But Tate does push it because she sees Miles is falling for her too. I honestly didn't understand why. I get that their sex was fantastic for the both of them, but they still hardly knew each other and yet were falling for one another. Miles had this wall constantly put up against everyone, but Tate kept chipping away at it. Tate proved that she could handle Miles and whatever his past is. But Miles always pushed her away. In order to move forward with Tate he has to confront his past and put his mind at ease. I thought this story was great and Colleen is such a fantastic writer she hardly ever disappoints me with her work. I just wish the relationships between characters were a bit more believable. I feel like the biggest thing that connected Tate and Miles was the sex which is probably true. But I wish I could see a deeper connection between the characters. Miles did start opening up to Tate, but it was only a start and I wanted to see more of these two building their relationship on a higher level than sex.
So, if you've read this story what are your thoughts? Trust me I love Colleen and her writing, but unfortunately I feel like the chemistry for the characters is missed sometimes. I will sit down reading one of her books and not want to put it down. This one was no exception! Colleen tells great stories and that's what author's do. I can't wait to read more of her books in the future. I still need to read Slammed, Confess, and Regretting You and I look forward to it!
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Welcome fellow Disney and/or Book Lovers
Hey everyone, I'm excited to start my very own blog! A little backstory, I tried making a blog a few years ago and... it failed. I lost interest, but I finally discovered that I want a blog that's completely about me. So, with that said this will be mostly a Disney and book blog, two of my most favorite things! I do plan to go off into other topics sometimes and I hope you all will be along for this amazing journey. I have so much I want to talk about and I can't wait to share it with the world. A few other things! If you'd like to follow me on Instagram I am disneyprincessbrittany! I post a lot of Disney and book pictures if you want to keep up with me on there as well! I really wish I could express how excited I am a lot more, but I think you'll see that as my blog progresses and grows. I'm going to try and post a few times a week if I am able to. I do work a full time job currently and have a family to take care of as well so I can't post everyday as much as I would love to. But I plan to post often and can't wait to share the books and Disney stuff (isn't it neat?) that I love the most and even dislike!
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