Saturday, January 25, 2020

Draft Kings $5000 Pool Prize

I don't know how many of you ever heard of Draft Kings, but it's basically just gambling in sports. When I received an email from them a few days ago it was the first I heard of them. They are doing a Royal Rumble competition where you can win a prize of $5000. But here's the catch. If you have the highest score and so does someone else or however many there are, you all will be splitting it. A good part about it, you do not have to pay to play this one! Yay! Of course, I'm participating. I already love to make predictions in WWE PPV's so this is definitely my speed. I'm going to explain a little more about how it works and I will leave a link if you want to participate as well! So, I'm going to go over the points system and also let you know my picks based on this point system. Please pay careful attention to one of these and it could really help your chances in the betting if you choose to do this and if I'm correct. Also, the betting will close in about 5 hours from when I post this so hop on it soon if you're interested! And until it closes you can change your choices, but once it's closed your picks are locked in!


50 points If a Superstar Enters the ring for the Rumble. 
So, it doesn't matter if this superstar is scheduled to be in it, they MUST enter the ring. They can not stay outside the ring, they have to go in. If I were you, I wouldn't pick anyone that is known for doing this. 

250 points If a Superstar is the 1st to enter the Royal Rumble ring.
Again, they have to enter the ring. Also, for the men's, Brock Lesnar is scheduled to be the 1st man in. Even if he doesn't, he could get you points for a few other betting challenges.

250 points If a superstar is the 30th to enter the ring.
Once again, they need to enter the ring. If they don't and decide they're backing out, no points here. Choose wisely. 

200 points If a superstar has the shortest amount of time. 
This one can be fairly easy. For the womens usually a superstar that comes back just for this match gets elimated pretty quickly. BUT, do not pick a Bella if it's an option. They last for awhile. For the men, they try to elimate the bigget guy like Big Show or Kane first. It doesn't always work. Or a little guy goes right out pretty easily if someone bigger does it. 

400 points If a superstar lasts the longest amount of time.
This is a little trickier because almost every year WWE picks a new person to do this. So, I would go for someone who perhaps is getting a bit of a push at the moment. Or even the person you think will win the match. 

500 points If a superstar eliminates the most opponents. 
This one is even trickier because it's anybody's game when it comes to this one. Sometimes the same person does it, sometimes they don't. 

Finally, the biggest one is 600 points for whoever wins the whole match out of 29 others!
It's honestly anyones game in this type of match. We've had surprise wins and predictable ones throughout the history of the Royal Rumble. So, this is all up to you! 

My Top Picks. So, you get to pick SIX superstars based on all these points here. Only SIX so you need to pick wisely. Who for sure if going to be in the Rumble? Are they going to even enter the ring? The biggest pick of all will be your winner who will give you the most amount of points. But if that's the only area you succeed in, you're not getting the prize, most likely. 

For the men's I picked based on the first entrant. I also picked at least three I think that might win, one that will last the longest, and one that will have the most eliminations! I feel quite confident in my answers which are Braun Strowman, Randy Orton, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, and Brock Lesnar. 

For the women's I picked four potential winners, someone who will last the longest, and someone who will get the most eliminations. I feel like my other winner picks will give me big points in other areas if they do not win. Two of these picks are not guaranteed to be in the Rumble so I am taking a risk. But I believe this risk is a good one to make which is an NXT pick. No one in women's from NXT has been put in, but we all know it'll happen. Also, one of my picks may finally be returning! Here are my women picks Alexa Bliss, Rhea Ripley, Natalya, Nikki Cross, Charlotte Flair, and Nia Jax.

There you have it! I will leave a link to this so if you wanna participate you can. If you do, best of luck!

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