The Alchemist by: Paulo Coelho 4 stars
This is a story about a boy who becomes a shepherd so he can travel the world. But when he discovers that he can find some treasure, traveling the world is no longer is main focus. Along his journey he meets a few people that teach him an important lesson. The universe will help you if you allow it to. You'll be pointed in the right direction of what you want if you just simply ask. The story is much more involved than I can really write a review about. I don't feel like any review I write on this can really sum up the story. It's a short and quick read. You'll have to read it for yourself to really understand what it's trying to say. Hopefully, it'll make sense to you. I struggled with the meaning myself, but I really understand it now after reading this book. This isn't a book I normally read either and I probably would have never picked it up, if it weren't for my soon to be husband. We've been having a lot of conversations lately about how the universe works. This book did help me understand more of what he was talking about and I'm happy about that |
This is a story about a boy who becomes a shepherd so he can travel the world. But when he discovers that he can find some treasure, traveling the world is no longer is main focus. Along his journey he meets a few people that teach him an important lesson. The universe will help you if you allow it to. You'll be pointed in the right direction of what you want if you just simply ask. The story is much more involved than I can really write a review about. I don't feel like any review I write on this can really sum up the story. It's a short and quick read. You'll have to read it for yourself to really understand what it's trying to say. Hopefully, it'll make sense to you. I struggled with the meaning myself, but I really understand it now after reading this book. This isn't a book I normally read either and I probably would have never picked it up, if it weren't for my soon to be husband. We've been having a lot of conversations lately about how the universe works. This book did help me understand more of what he was talking about and I'm happy about that.

This is a story about a boy who becomes a shepherd so he can travel the world. But when he discovers that he can find some treasure, traveling the world is no longer is main focus. Along his journey he meets a few people that teach him an important lesson. The universe will help you if you allow it to. You'll be pointed in the right direction of what you want if you just simply ask. The story is much more involved than I can really write a review about. I don't feel like any review I write on this can really sum up the story. It's a short and quick read. You'll have to read it for yourself to really understand what it's trying to say. Hopefully, it'll make sense to you. I struggled with the meaning myself, but I really understand it now after reading this book. This isn't a book I normally read either and I probably would have never picked it up, if it weren't for my soon to be husband. We've been having a lot of conversations lately about how the universe works. This book did help me understand more of what he was talking about and I'm happy about that |
Thisisastoryaboutaboywhobecomesashepherdsohecantraveltheworld.Butwhenhediscoversthathecanfindsometreasure,travelingtheworldisnolongerismainfocus.Alonghisjourneyhemeetsafewpeoplethatteachhimanimportantlesson.Theuniversewillhelpyouifyouallowitto.You'llbepointedintherightdirectionofwhatyouwantifyoujustsimplyask.ThestoryismuchmoreinvolvedthanIcanreallywriteareviewabout.Idon'tfeellikeanyreviewIwriteonthiscanreallysumupthestory.It'sashortandquickread.You'llhavetoreaditforyourselftoreallyunderstandwhatit'stryingtosay.Hopefully,it'llmakesensetoyou.Istruggledwiththemeaningmyself,butIreallyunderstanditnowafterreadingthisbook.Thisisn'tabookInormallyreadeitherandIprobablywouldhaveneverpickeditup,ifitweren'tformysoontobehusband.We'vebeenhavingalotofconversationslatelyabouthowtheuniverseworks.ThisbookdidhelpmeunderstandmoreofwhathewastalkingaboutandI'mhappyaboutthat |
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