Friday, January 24, 2020

WWE Royal Rumble Predictions

Hello everyone! I know I've been away for a bit, but I'm still here I promise. I do have a job aside from this so I won't be posting as often as I'd like, but there will be at least 2-3 a week! Anyway, you'll notice this is a different kind of blog post. I did say that this would be mainly Disney and books which is true. But if I want to throw something random in I am also going to do that. WWE is another interest of mine outside of Disney and books. I will sometimes blog about an upcoming PPV. But probably only the best ones. So, now that that's out of the way, here is my blog on my predictions for the WWE PPV Royal Rumble! It is the biggest event next to Wrestlemania and my favorite one. I love to see a bunch of people get in the ring just beat the crap out of each other for an hour! No, I'm dead serious. I take a PTO for this shit that's how much I love it! The PPV is on Sunday January 26th 2020 kickstart time at 5 p.m. and then the main show starts at 7 p.m. Eastern time. If memory serves me correct, the event usually runs until 12 a.m. so remember to be prepared to sit on that sofa for awhile and your bathroom breaks better be no more than five minutes. Anyway, here we go with my predicitions for this PPV!

Fiend vs. Daniel Bryan Strap Match for the Universal Championship: The Fiend! I say this because The Fiend and Daniel Bryan just got back into their feud not that long ago with Bryan returning. I feel like the feud between them will go on into Wrestlemania. Kane has been added to the mix appearing to be on Bryan's side, but he could always go to The Fiend's side of course. Or he'll help Bryan and maybe Kane and The Fiend will face off at Wrestlemania. This of course will lead to a monster vs. monster type of match which I would love to see! The Fiend is one of the best characters already that WWE has ever had. He is the new monster and Kane is the old one. Who would prevail? 

Andrade vs. Humberto for the U.S Championship: Andrade! I honestly don't have much to say on this one. But I feel like Andrade will get a big push pretty soon. Maybe not now so I think he'll keep the title for the time being.

Becky Lynch vs. Asuka for the Women's Championship: Asuka! Now everyone thinks Becky Lynch will win and face off with Charlotte at Mania and I can understand why. But we have already seen these two square off so much! I'm hoping it's not true. I want something different. I feel like Asuka will win, Becky will enter the women's rumble as number 30 and win to try and reclaim her title at mania. This is just a prediction for this match and will not reflect my thoughts for the RR winner for the womens.

Sheamus vs. Shorty G: Shorty G! Shorty is constantly made out to be the big underdog. This time though he is showing that he's not. Shorty defeating Sheamus would be good step in the right direction for Shorty G. I don't think he'll ever be a Universal champion, but now that he's solo he can try for other titles such as intercontinental. He can be part of other events and I hope WWE does give him at least a nudge. 

Bayley vs. Lacey Evans for the Womens Championship: Bayley! I believe Bayley will head into Wrestlemania as a champion. But Sasha Banks will try to sabotage the match so Bayley loses and Banks can have a shot. Her plan will fail setting up Bayley to win and it'll turn into a triple threat match for Mania. Lacey vs. Bayley vs. Sasha for the women's championship! Of course it won't be that simple. Something will happen in the upcoming PPV after RR, Elimation Chamber to ensure that this happens. 

Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin in a Falls Count Anywhere match: Roman Reigns! Originally, I was going to pick Corbin, but as I was typing, a new theory popped into my head that makes more sense! I think Corbin will get beat down so bad that he can not compete due to "injury". A surprise entrant will take his place in the men's Royal Rumble. Reigns will still be able to compete and possibly win the Rumble. Hopefully not because that's just too predictable. More on that next though.

Men's Royal Rumble: Edge! Now I know this pick of mine is crazy, insane, blah blah blah. But there is a rumor that he will be returning. I know WWE doesn't make superstars like Edge big winners anymore. But Edge is good enough to have this win. He's won many titles during his time in the business. Edge is sneaky, traitorous, and just a damn good wrestler. I feel like he has been really building up towards this comeback and if he does return it's not going to be just to be in this match. He is going to make his mark like he always does and win it all. Also, since Brock Lesnar is the first entrant I think he's going to throw out the first couple of contenders and the match may not last as long as it usually does. That is one of my big feats. This match is a big deal and quite frankly I wish Lesnar would fuck off of it! I'm not sure how many people still like him, but I can't stand the guy. He hardly wrestles and gets whatever he wants. Hopefully, winning this match isn't one of them. A lot of fans think Roman will win to face off with Rollins at
Mania and I wouldn't care for that match. Plus, Reigns seems to be on a different path with the business and I don't see that changing right now.

Women's Royal Rumble: Alexa Bliss! So, Alexa and Nikki Cross have been besties for awhile now. Probably the longest friendship Bliss has had on WWE. Bliss has been known to backstab all of her friends at some point. I don't think this will be any different pretty soon. I think it will come down to Bliss and Cross and Bliss will win it. But Nikki will find a way to be a part of the match at WrestleMania to get revenge on Bliss. Plus, I love Alexa Bliss so I'm bias towards her. 

There you have it! Stay tuned. I will be posting a follow-up to this. One will be a ProWrestling Scorecard prediction with more stipulations involved. Then there will be a post on my right/wrong predictions and a follow-up to the Scorecard as well! 

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