Thursday, January 16, 2020

Welcome fellow Disney and/or Book Lovers

Hey everyone, I'm excited to start my very own blog! A little backstory, I tried making a blog a few years ago and... it failed. I lost interest, but I finally discovered that I want a blog that's completely about me. So, with that said this will be mostly a Disney and book blog, two of my most favorite things! I do plan to go off into other topics sometimes and I hope you all will be along for this amazing journey. I have so much I want to talk about and I can't wait to share it with the world. A few other things! If you'd like to follow me on Instagram I am disneyprincessbrittany! I post a lot of Disney and book pictures if you want to keep up with me on there as well! I really wish I could express how excited I am a lot more, but I think you'll see that as my blog progresses and grows. I'm going to try and post a few times a week if I am able to. I do work a full time job currently and have a family to take care of as well so I can't post everyday as much as I would love to. But I plan to post often and can't wait to share the books and Disney stuff (isn't it neat?) that I love the most and even dislike! 

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