Monday, January 20, 2020

Upcoming Disney Live Actions!

As many of us Disney fans know, there have been more and more live actions as the years go by. We've had Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book, just to name a few. But Disney isn't stopping with these live actions! I noticed that the dolls for live actions don't sell as well. That doesn't mean the movies aren't doing well though. Disney fans are still rushing out to see if the live actions are better or worse than our beloved animations. We have some live actions to look forward to that are releasing soon or are in the works!

Mulan release date March 27, 2020
I want to be excited for this film, but I'm not as excited as I hoped I would be for a few certain changes. Apparently, there will be no singing. There will be some music such as instrumentals, but the cast won't be singing. Mushu is not going to be in the film so, no dragon. Instead, he is going to be a phoenix and a she not a he. Now this really bothers me because I think it's very cliché. Disney has been on a woman power kick which I am all for, but do we need to keep using the phoenix symbol? There's going to be a female witch for Mulan to face off with. The whole point of Mulan going into the army was to honor her father and kick the other men's asses! She's a hero for defeating Shan Yu! Her going up against another female is kind of insulting. I don't care if it's an all powerful witch that is stronger due to her powers. Mulan fights with the boys and bests them! This movie is talking about going to the roots of Mulan which I do like. I'm happy we have a proper casting for this film. I have really liked Disney's live actions so far, but Mulan could be the one to let me down and I hate to say that. Mulan is one of my top favorite Disney princesses (she is listed as a princess for her bravery, look it up if you want) and I don't want this movie to let me down. But I will see it of course and judge it more so at that point. 

Cruella 12/23/20
We're finally getting another Disney live action representing a villain! Emma Stone has been casted to play the dog murdering villain. I really do like Emma Stone and I think she will be great in this role. Cruella is actually one of my least favorite villains because she targets dogs as her victims just so she can have nice fur coats. What a cunt! I'm not sure how much potential this film has though because when you think of Disney villains I don't think Cruella is one of the top ones that come to mind. But perhaps this backstory film can help with that!

Peter Pan TBA
Recently, Peter Pan was announced to be in the works! Instead of it's original title, it will be called Peter Pan and Wendy. Peter Pan has been made into a live action a few times already so, I wonder what this one will bring to the table. No casting has been announced. Word is that production will start in Spring!

Tink TBA
I have mixed feelings on this one. I'm guessing this will be a backstory on our beloved fairy. Reese Witherspoon is set to play the role which I'm skeptical about. I like Witherspoon, but I do agree she may be too old for this type of role. I'm excited though to see Tink's backstory and hopefully how she became Peter Pan's faithful fairy sidekick!

The Little Mermaid TBA
I adore The Little Mermaid and Eric is probably my favorite Disney prince so this is an exciting one for many of us! There was a bit of an uproar when a black actress (Halle Bailey) was casted to play Ariel. We had a black Cinderella, but this was back when we didn't have social media. I don't hear anyone complaining about that so with that said, why not a black Ariel? Just because she's black doesn't mean she can't act! We can still have our redheaded princess and I hope they do make her a redhead. Plus, I heard this girl can sing! Bring it on!

Rose Red (Snow White) TBD
Snow White is my least favorite princess. But I'm actually excited about this film from what I heard. Apparently Rose Red works with the dwarves to bring Snow back to life after she eats the poison apple. I already love this because it involves sisterly love and we only have Frozen as a representation of that. Yes, Ariel has sisters, but we hardly see the sisterly love from them. Also, Snow doesn't need no man to bring her back to life. This girl needs TRUE love. A guy you had one encounter with is not your true love, sorry. Not saying that the sister is her true love either, obviously. But their love is true and powerful enough to bring back Snow. I really hope this is the direction the film will go in. Keep in mind this is just what I heard and I hope it's true. 

There are a bunch of others in the works, but none are closer to production or releasing as the ones listed so far. I just wanted to share my opinion on these few. I look forward to seeing what Disney has planned for these next live actions!

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