Saturday, February 1, 2020

Favorite Couples in Books, Disney, etc!

We have finally hit the month of love! Of course, January was long as usual, but now we're finally into February so I wanted to do a sweet blog post in honor of love. Also, I'm getting married next month! Eeep! What better time to do this blog? I'm going to give you my top ten favorite couples of all time. Whether it'd be from Disney or books. A few may not be from Disney or books! These are just my favorite couples in general. I may do a post later on my favorite couple from books. And one on just Disney couples as well. But this post is on any that are my favorites!

1. Max and Fang from Maximum Ride! These two have known each other since they were kids. They even took care of kids younger than them and made their own flock. For awhile they're just best friends even when Fang makes his feelings known a few times. Max was a strong leader and when she was about to break Fang was there to pick up the pieces. They don't get together until book five, but when they do it's beautiful! When the world is against them they stand together. Unfortunately, they do split at the end of book six when Fang leaves to go fulfill his own duties. But they come back together again in book number eight to take on the end of the world! Fang thought it'd be better if he left Max to keep her safe. He realized he needed to be with her and fight the battle with her. They even have a baby together!

2. Clarke and Bellamy from The 100! Before any of you tell me they're not together, they are in the books! Yep that's right. The books and TV show are very different. But also, I do hope they end up together before the show ends. Clarke and Bellamy have a nice balance of thinking with their heads and hearts. This makes them a great team. Clarke and Bellamy are always supportive of each other and very protective. They are great leaders and I could see them as a great King and Queen if they lived in that kind of society. Also, the actors who play them are married to each other! How sweet is that?

3. Clare and Eli from Degrassi! These two had an epic romance! I didn't always agree with some things that happened in their relationship, but they constantly found their way back to one another. Together they went through Eli's loss of his first love, Eli's bi-polar, Clare's sexual harassment, Clare's cancer, cheating, and a miscarriage. These two aggravated me because they got together and broke up multiple times. In the end when it came time for Clare to graduate they agreed on a long distance relationship. Having hope that they would always find their back, once again. 

4. Lena and Ethan from Beautiful Creatures! When all the popular kids teased Lena, Ethan went against them. Lena let Ethan into her world even though she didn't completely understand it all herself. He was ready to stick by her and assist in anyway that he could. Even their families were against the relationship, but they fought for each other. Even in the darkest of times they conquered all the trials for one another. 

5. Rapunzel and Flynn (Eugene) from Tangled! They had a rocky start to their relationship. Rapunzel wanted Flynn to take her to see the lanterns. Flynn wanted the crown from Rapunzel. Through their journey to go and see the lanterns they start to fall in love with each other. Rapunzel found someone who took her to see the lanterns and it was no longer for Flynn's own greed. Flynn found a dream better than the riches he imagined he would have, which is love. 

6. Jane and Tarzen from Tarzan! I loved Jane's fascination with animals. Even though Tarzan was a human she respected who he was. She did want him to come back to her home so they could be together. Tarzan showed Jane a deeper insight to his world as Jane did to him with her world. Tarzan was willing to leave his home to be with Jane. But Jane realized that Tarzan was already a part of a world she loved so much. She gave up her old life to create a new one with him and the jungle. 

7. Robin and Starfire from Teen Titans! These two end up together in every show and comic created. My favorite though was the Cartoon Network show. You got to see how much these two really loved and care about one another. Their relationship as best friends started with saving each other during missions. Starfire did most of the hugging. Robin realized he liked Starfire and showed more affection towards her as the show progressed. In the final movie Trouble in Tokyo they become a couple. 

8. Pongo and Perdita from 101 Dalmations! The story of these two is so sweet! Their owners get married and they even had their own ceremony right outside touching paws. They end up having puppies and losing them to thieves. Once this puppy couple gets words of the puppies whereabouts, they go off together to rescue them. Not only their puppies, but many others giving them 101 puppies! They successfully work together with some help from their local friends and rescue them all. In the end, their owners even agree to keep all the puppies. How cute!

9. Aladdin and Jasmine from Aladdin! A princess from the palace and a rat from the streets. These two grew up very differently, but yet find themselves in the same lonely boat. They lie to each other and even though it was wrong they understood why and didn't blame the other. Jasmine and Aladdin still fought to be together despite the odds stacked against them. Aladdin wanted to be with Jasmine, but used his last wish to help the genie who was there for him through the whole ordeal. It came back around when Jasmine got to choose who she wanted by her side to rule Agrabah with her. Jasmine could've chosen any rich prince, but she loved Aladdin!

10. Natalie and Ash from Black City! A forbidden romance which I love in the books I read. These two learned a lot from one another and grew from the experiences they faced together. Natalie was seen as a snobby rich girl. But she proved to everyone that she was so much more than that. Ash was a bad boy, but showed what he was fighting for. Together Ash and Natalie take on the world to bring back the peace. Natalie goes against her family and what she was told to help Ash and his kind. 

Those are my top ten couples of all time! Do you like any that I named from this list? I would love to know! Leave a comment or even tell me some of your favorites! 

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