Saturday, February 22, 2020

The 100: The Rebellion by Kass Morgan book review

In this final installment of the series all of the chaos has seemed to finally settle down. Clarke and her people are back to their normal tasks of gathering food, hunting, and taking care of each other. But when a new enemy who call themselves "The Protectors" come to kidnap some of the clan members, bigger problems arise. Octavia, Glass, and Wells are among the captured while Clarke, Bellamy, and a few others managed to get away. There are arguments on how to get their people back which brings tension to Bellamy and Clarke's relationship. Bellamy wants to fight back and save their people. Clarke wants to resolve the situation peacefully in order to bring their people back. Majority take Clarke's side. This leads Paul to convince their people that Bellamy is crazy and irrational. Despite Clarke's protests Bellamy is shackled against his will until the plan can take place. When Bellamy hears that Clarke will be the one to be the peacemaker for their people it strains their relationship further. Wells and Octavia have been taken from Bellamy and he doesn't want to lose Clarke too! Bellamy and Clarke both say a choice of words that hurt one another and it tests their relationship. This is going to be weird for me to say, but I liked that this happened. This was an ultimate test of Clarke and Bellamy's relationship. Would this break them apart or bring them back together? There was some miscommunication which happens in relationships. Bellamy and Clarke were both wrong in different ways, but I love that they both realize it later and forgive one another. Plans change sending in another member to do the peacemaking for the group. The plan fails and the group decides it is best to go with Bellamy's plan at this point. They can't keep waiting around because if they do, they could be too late. Wells and Octavia are forced to do tasks while praising the Earth. The whole time he plans to play along so he can earn The Protectors trust in order to escape. Glass is assigned to be the leader's (Soren's) maid. Her plan is to get close to the leader and get rid of her. But as she grows closer to Soren she questions her plan until she hears of the Pairing ritual. Before the Pairing ritual (matching people to make babies) can take place Bellamy, Clarke, and the others fire their plan into action to rescue their people from the horrible fate. Many of the Protectors die, including the leader Soren. Those who are alive are taken back to the camp to resume their life as it was or to join the clan and make a new life. This whole ordeal makes Bellamy realize how much Clarke truly does mean to him. He proposes to her with the Griffin family heirloom stone and she eagerly accepts. I very much enjoy this book just like the rest of the series. I honestly thought more people were going to die that were a main character and not just a side character. I loved how everyone's relationship grew throughout this series too! The friendships and relationships were so beautifully created and well done! I'm going to really miss this crew, but this series ended really well. This final installment had a Handmaid's Tale feel to it, that I thought fit with the series in the way Morgan went about it. The Protectors worshipped the Earth and thought Clarke's people were horrible for not respecting it in their terms of the word respect. So, they made them their slaves basically to the Earth and were going to make them bear children for it as well. This final installment went into an interesting direction and I loved it! My favorite part of this series was definitely all of these character's relationships to each other. They were all so well developed and I enjoy seeing all of them grow throughout the series.
Rating: 5 stars!

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