Sunday, February 23, 2020

The 100 Books and TV show comparison talk

My favorite TV show is The 100. This show has so much potential and it's used greatly with each season. It doesn't go wasted. Unfortunately, the show is coming to a close this year. The seventh and final season is coming most likely in the Spring and would probably end in the late fall. There will be 16 episodes this season the way the show originally started the first few seasons ending with 100 total episodes. Fitting right? In my opinion I feel that the show should end even though it's going to hurt me since it's my favorite. A lot of popular shows are drug through the mud, just dishing out ideas to keep the show afloat making it lose the potential it had. The director of The 100 Jason Rothenberg stuck to his guns and is ending the The 100 with the seventh season. It had been his plan for awhile and will not budge. But their is going to be a prequel which is currently being filmed. This is going to take place before Earth was destroyed. Hopefully, this show will give us a part of The 100 to enjoy again. I have read the final and fourth book to the series to finish it. This wasn't really to prepare for the final season because the TV show and books are very different!
The book contains character's Clarke, Bellamy, Wells, Octavia, Jaha, and Clarke's mother in book who's name is Mary instead of Abby. There's no Monty, Jasper, Harper, Murphy, or Raven. But the one character in the book Graham is similar to Murphy while Glass (who is a main character) and Luke are similar to Raven. In both the show and books The 100 kids are sent down to Earth to see if their people can live there again. Bellamy does sneak onto the ship to be there for Octavia. There are "grounders" that the group does have to work with, but that's pretty much where the similarities end. 
In the books Clarke's parents are alive. She thinks that they are both dead until the end of the third installment. In the show, only her mother is alive while her father got floated. We also follow four character's POV's in the series. Clarke who is the headstrong leader. Bellamy who is hotheaded and rebellious. Glass who is trying to just survive. And Wells who is brave and loyal. In the show Wells dies off fairly quickly within a matter of episodes. He and Clarke were best friends and that ended when she believed that he was the reason her father got floated. In the books they are former best friends and lovers. The relationship ends with her thinking it was his fault that BOTH her parents got floated. Their relationship does get mended when the truth gets out. I actually preferred the show's take on it more. The book had too much of a happy ending for me. 
That's another way the books and show are so different. The books do have a few sad moments. But the show is hungry to kill off character's every single season. It's compared to the Game of Thrones for this reason. I feel like season three is the closest it gets to being like GOT though. In season one Wells and Charlotte are among the victims. Season two Finn who Clarke fell in love with was killed for murdering at least twenty grounders, because he thought they had taken Clarke. Maya who Jasper fell in love with and other people in Mount Weather also die which is obviously a lot of deaths. Season three claims Lincoln (Octavia's true love) who was a very well liked character for trying to keep the peace just like Octavia. Sinclair who was Raven's mentor dies, but still lives within Raven's mind guiding her. Also, Lexa who is Clarke's next lover for a brief time is killed. This death really pissed the fans off due to the fact that a same sex couple who had great potential was destroyed by her death. Lexa does live on in show as Clarke talks about her in a great sense and never let's her be forgotten. Season four Jasper commits suicide because he no longer wants to live in a world where he's just surviving and killing. Season 5 we lose Jaha and I thought that death was never going to happen. He just kept surviving every single thing thrown his way! Our hearts break when we lose Harper and Monty at the end of this season. They leave us with their son Jordan Green and let me say the character chosen for him was an awesome one! Season six we lose another couple Kane and Abby. Kane was put into another person's body, but doesn't want it so he commits suicide by floating himself. Abby is eliminated by a host getting inserted inside her body, but her body is floated by Clarke along with others later. A new character, Josephine (who tried to be the new host in Clarke's body) is destroyed by Clarke and Bellamy working together as the head and heart. These are just some of the deaths I can think of for each season that were probably the most impactful. This brings me to my next subject of Clarke and Bellamy!
The books and show start the relationship of Bellarke the same way. At first they do not like each other, at all. They go through a lot of disagreements and try to lead the 100 in their own ways. Eventually, they realize it will be better if they come together and compromise on their ideas. This later leads to the head and the heart idea where one of them is the head of the operation and the other is the heart. Both play that role equally. In the books these two go from enemies to lovers. They even get engaged at the end of the series. Their relationship is tested throughout the series and each time it just grows stronger and makes Bellamy realize he wants to make it permanent. The show is a bit of a different story where these two went from enemies to becoming best friends. But their relationship is even rockier in the show. They both sometimes still go against each other's ideas and betray each other. But each time, they do forgive each other. Their relationship is very strong in the show going through so much. Their connection never goes further than that strong friendship, unfortunately. That could change when the seventh season arises, but it also might not because the show and books are still very different! The fans are still rooting for it, even ones who haven't read the books. The show also doesn't focus on romance much at all. It touches on those relationships, but that's about it. Currently, Bellamy is with Echo who used to be an enemy and Clarke is single. Since it's the final season that status may not change in such a short amount of time for Bellarke. But it is 16 episodes instead of thirteen like the last few have been so could they or do they want to fit that in? I'm really hoping so! Plus, I'm a Bellarke fan not really a Clexa fan. I don't think Clarke and Lexa fit as well together. Plus, Lexa betrayed Clarke in a HUGE way. I know that makes them similar as in they would do anything for their own people. But personally if someone betrayed me like that, I would not be in love with them. Nope! Team Bellarke! 

This brings me to the general topic of relationships in the books and show. Clarke is only with men in the books. She was formerly with Wells and got engaged to Bellamy by the end of the series. In the show she is bisexual which I absolutely love! She is the first bisexual main character which is a huge deal! I hardly ever see bisexual character's in shows especially as the lead and this was a nice change. In the show Clarke is with Finn for maybe an episode or two. She moves on to Niylah as a fling. Later she gets together with Lexa which is short lived when Lexa is shot. That leads Clarke back to Niylah for a little, but they are separated by the events of Praimfaya. Clarke has a fling with a Dr. later who betrays and helps in nearly killing her off. Octavia in the books comes out as gay in fourth installment when she meets Anna. In the show she is only seen with men. Octavia is with Atom for maybe an episode before acid fog claims his life. She moves on to Lincoln who is her first real love which ends when he dies in season three. A little while later she has a fling with Ilian and that ends her string of relationships. I found that interesting how the book and show made one of the main character's interested in the same sex, but not the same one. I like both ideas, but I still want Clarke with Bellamy in the end. 
In the show The 100 also eventually travels to another planet. At one point a few of them even go back up to the Ark before Praimfaya can claim their lives. In the books, they stay on the ground. There is no plans to go back up to space. They stay on the ground and make new lives for themselves. During this they are still trying to survive by making peace with the people that are still on the ground. The TV show is the same way, but other chains of events lead them to other parts of the U.S. Not only that, but they have to go back up to space twice due to catastrophic events taking place. The show is even more brutal in terms of survival especially in the later seasons. Octavia becomes a leader and has people volunteer themselves as food so others can live and eat. An event like this does not even come close to happening in the books. But the fourth book goes in a Handmaid's Tale direction. Some of the 100 and grounders are captured so they can plant their "seeds" for the Earth. Luckily, that doesn't happen. Also, there are a lot less deaths in the books and they aren't as impactful as the deaths in the show. The books kill off just a few character's sparing us the heartache and tears. That was actually disappointing because I remember bawling my eyes out during the deaths of Lincoln, Monty, Harper, and Finn. The books didn't impact me as much so I think I like the show just a little bit more for breaking my heart a few times. Sick, I know, but I love when a show can make me love it so much that I feel the pain of it so hard. 
So, that's my take on the books and TV show, what are your thoughts? I would love to know! 

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